
2021-11-16 20:18:56   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《中学英语教案模板_》,欢迎阅读!

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初一 一课时

教学内容 Unit 2 Theyre going to the opera.

教材分析 The reading passage has so much information, and there are quite a few

教学目标 To get information from reading material about what people are doing in different places.

To get to know how to write a postcard.

Vocabulary: thing,restaurant,wash,start,hot dog. Key points: put on, at this moment, leave work, at home, get dressed, look at, see you soon Additional new words: supper, who

Difficult sentence: Some are going to the opera or watching a ballet.

(Some are going to see an opera or watch a ballet.)

设计思路 Encourage the students to predict what the text will be about by reading

the title ..

Ask the students to read for details.

Encourage the students tofind out how to write a postcard by reading the post card.



1. Review what they have learned from last Some students would be asked lesson. to do some actions.Then the 1. Ask Ss to do some actions. others talk about what they 2. The others talk about what they are are doing.


教学重点 Reading ability: read for details.

new words in it. This will help to improve students reading skill.

2 Vocabulary and sentence structure Students are supposed to 1.Words guessing match the new words with 2.Say what the people in the photos are picture in Part 1 on Page 4, doing.

and to be able to read the new words, and then to know the meanings of the words.

3 Ask the students to read the title on Page Pre-task activity: Pair work 4 and Part 2 on Page 5, then guess what Read the title on Page 4 . will the text talk about. Then discuss in pairs to After that, ask students to read and find guess what the text will talk out information .

about. After discussion,

Then ask students to finish part3 on some students should be asked page5. to tell the whole class about

their guessing.

While-task activity Individual work


Read the text and underline the words.

While-task activity 2: Group work

Work in groups of 4-6 to complete Part 2and3 on Page 5.

Post-task activity: Group work

Present their answers.

4 Text explanation

Discuss the sentences in the text, and try to get familiar with the words and phrases.


Unit 2 Theyre going to the opera.

件)设计 Key points: put on, at this moment, leave work,

at home, get dressed, look at, see you soon

Additional new words: supper, who

Difficult sentence: Some are going to the opera or watching a ballet.

作业布置 1. Reading on Page 4and page90

2. Buying a new postcard FOR next lesson.

教学反思 Reading skill should be the focus of teaching in this unit.

