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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《遵守家庭规则的好处英语作文》,欢迎阅读!

Benefits of following family rules

To create a family atmosphere with principles and rules for children can cultivate children's social skills, and can also enable children to have a good character. Therefore, parents should create a family atmosphere with principles and rules for children.

It can help children learn to interact with others correctly.Most families should be able to provide such a living environment for their children, because I feel that there are no rules and regulations, and no matter where I go, there will be rules and regulations. If children do not know how to abide by rules and have no principles, they will only be criticized by others and will not be welcomed by others. Parents always create a family atmosphere with principles and regulations for their children, In fact, it can stimulate children's interests constantly. This kind of education is reasonable for children. If children lack discipline, they may become very rebellious. To cultivate children's habit of obeying discipline can also stimulate children's interest in life and learning. In addition, it can also cultivate children's social skills. It is important to know that there are certain rules and principles in interpersonal communication, If there is no such atmosphere guidance in the family, it will also affect the social interaction between children, causing them to misunderstand and dispute.

Children can control themselves, manage themselves, and are very polite.Let the children live in a family atmosphere where there are predestined and regular

rules, which can also improve their self-consciousness. Their self-care ability is better. They know how to correct their mistakes after making mistakes, and will not easily conflict with others. It is very important to cultivate children's good habit of obeying discipline. Children consciously abide by the rules, consciously manage, and constrain their own behavior, No matter where they go, they will be welcomed by others. In addition, they can help children develop a good character. Children will be very polite and principled. They know how to respect others, how to help others, and how to make themselves better. Those who have no principles and rules are really unpopular.

