
2022-08-05 14:08:15   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《家国情怀英语作文演讲稿200字》,欢迎阅读!



In this fruitful,the whole country is still immersed in celebrating the XX birthday of the motherland.The school organized a speech contest with patriotism education as the theme.Under the careful planning of the teaching office and the careful guidance of the head teacher,15 contestants will compete today.They will praise the motherland and mother with the most sincere emotion and the most beautiful language,and offer the most beautiful wishes for the XX birthday of our great motherland.I wish our country prosperity and peace.

Patriotism is the greatest emotion of mankind.Just think,if we live in a country invaded by foreign enemies and continuous wars,and the people have no fixed place to live and escape everywhere,then peace is a kind of happiness;If we live in an era of poverty and backwardness and lack of materials,food and clothing is an extravagant hope;If we live in a society where public order is chaotic and thieves are rampant,then plain is also a dream;If we live in an environment where"Chinese and dogs are not allowed",then it is a kind of happiness to stand up and be a man.Today,we are sitting in the spacious and bright classroom reading at ease.Do you realize the happiness?


Today,we have no worries about food and clothing,a stable life and no loss of dignity,which all stem from the prosperity and strength of our motherland.Only when the country is rich can the people be strong.Only when the country is strong can the people have dignity.To this end,countless patriots have contributed everything to the motherland in history.Their spirit is moving,their integrity shines for thousands of years,and their deeds are handed down through the ages.Loving China is the most affectionate attachment of every Chinese people to their motherland;Loving China is the common aspiration of thousands of Chinese people.

In the XX years since the founding of the people's Republic of China,the development of new China has advanced by leaps and bounds.The ups and downs of XX,the vicissitudes of XX,and the brilliance of XX!The future of China,to occupy the earth as a dragon,lies in the hard work and efforts of each of us today.

Youth wisdom is the wisdom of the country,and youth strength is the strength of the country.As middle school students in the new era,the blood of youth is flowing in our hearts.What should we do for our motherland?Let's set up lofty ideals,strengthen grand aspirations,pay hard sweat,strive for

excellent results,forge ahead with the motherland,develop with the times,write our brilliant life and express our full patriotic enthusiasm!

