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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《2019年新目标人教版英语八年级上册期末综合能力评估试题及答案》,欢迎阅读!



1.听句子,选出与其意思相符的图片 A.



2.听句子,选出与其意思相符的图片 A.



3.听句子,选出与其意思相符的图片 A.




A. B. C.

5.听句子,选出与其意思相符的图片 A.




6.What does Maria like to do?

A. To climb mountains. B. To go to the beach. C. To go camping. 7.What does Eva's skirt look like?

A. It's a little smaller. B. It has little flowers. C. It looks the same as Mary's. 8.What does Tim want to be when he grows up? A.A writer. B.A musician. C.A teacher.

9.How is the girl going to Hangzhou? A.By train. B.By plane. C.By bus.

10.When is Grace's birthday? A.On March 29th. B.On March 30th. C.On March 31st.

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1What did Jenny do yesterday evening?

A. She washed the dishes. B. She watched a film. C. She had a party. 2How many people watched the soccer game together? A. 15 B. 16 C. 25 12.听第二段对话,回答小题。 1Who is calling?

A. Sally. B. Larry. C. Vince. 2Where did Larry go?

A. To the school. B. To the restaurant. C. To the library. 3What activity will there be on Wednesday evening?

A. A dance party. B. A reading party. . C. A birthday party.



1When is Joe's mother's birthday?

A. On June 6th. B. On July 6th. C. On June 16th. 2What did Joe make first?

A. Some fish. B. A cake. C. A salad. 3For Joe, What made cooking fish difficult?

A. Making gravy. B. Killing fish. C. Cleaning fish. 4What is Joe's mother's favorite food?

A. Vegetable salad. B. Long noodles. C. Chocolate cakes. 5What did Joe think was the hard part?

A. Doing the dishes. B. Buying vegetables. C. Cutting up the meat.

14.I find impossible for me to listen to the teacher carefully with so much noise. A. this B. that C. it D. one 15. chocolate is delicious, I don't think you should eat too much. A.If B.Although C.Because D.When

16.They didn't go to see the new house. Do you know the ? I think they like living in an apartment more. A.point B.promise C.event D.reason

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17.We all know that the earth around the sun. A.goes B.go C.will go D.went

18.Mom, I invited Susan to our home for dinner this evening. OK. Let's make for her. A.nothing delicious B.delicious nothing C.something delicious D.delicious something

19.The children were so happy to see the funny monkeys in the film that they jumped happily. A. travel B. happen C. reach D. appear 20.Nick practices swimming every day. He hopes first prize in the swimming competition.

A. winning B. to win C. catching D. to catch 21.Did you enjoy __ on the farm last weekend? Yeah, we all had fun there.

A. you. B. yours C. yourself D. yourselves 22.The jacket in this shop is too expensive. I want to buy it somewhere else. A.most cheaply B.most carefully C.more cheaply D.more carefully

23.Tim is player on the school basketball team, but he is the best. A.short B.shorter C.shortest D.the shortest

24. do you eat hamburgers, Alice?

Sometimes. Mom asks me not to eat them often.

A. How often B. How far C. How much D. How long 25. you travel your life experience will be. A.The least; the richest B.The most; the richest C.The more; the richer D.The less; the richer

26.Don't go near the building. It might .

A. bring out B. fall down C. dress up D. go on

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27.The movie Beauty and the Beast (《美女与野兽》) started at 3:50 p.m. and on for another twenty minutes.

A. is B. was C. will be D. are going to be 28.Dale can't fly kites with us.

He promised me that he would come. A.How come? B.What about you? C.I don't mind it. D.You're right.


29.先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从ABcD四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 My mom works on Saturdays, so every Saturday my aunt, Jenny, takes me somewhere interesting. For example, once she took me to the sea museum, and then she made me do a project (专题研究) about my favorite 1 .

Last Saturday, Jenny took me to an old people's home. She was a volunteer (志愿者) there, so she 2 went there in her free time. There were a lot of old People there. Jenny introduced (介绍) 3 to some of them. Then she asked me if I would like to read the newspaper to them. I was glad to do that. I read 4 so they could hear me. They said my reading was excellent. I felt really 5 .

Later, Jenny and I had lunch with them. I sat at a table with one man and two women. During lunch, they told me stories 6 their lives. The man had been a guide. The two women were from other 7 Mrs. Wang came from China, and Mrs. Guleed was from South Africa. They 8 their lives in their hometowns. It sounded different.

After lunch, Jenny 9 the piano. Some of the people sang along to the music. The people there were very kind to me. I liked them so much that I began to 10 them as Soon as I got home. 1. A. star 2. A. even 3. A. me 4. A. quickly 5. A. worried 6. A. with 7. A. villages 8. A. described 9. A. moved 10. A. help

B. fish B. already B. her B. simply B. happy B. of B. towns B. planned B. cleaned B. miss

C. sport C. never C. him C. loudly C. busy C. for C. cities C. chose C. played C. accept

D. music D. often D. them D. seriously D. normal D. about D. countries D. forgot D. covered D. serve

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30.根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。 A: Oh, the cake is delicious, Taylor! B: Thank you! I like to bake (烘烤), Ben. A: I don't bake or cook very often. ________

B. Me too. Hey, maybe we can have a potluck (百味餐) A: I like that idea!

B: Yes.________ Then we can share. A: I love potlucks! (Taylor and Ben meet Rob.)

B: Rob, we are having a potluck. ________

C: Sure, I'd love to. But I have a problem. I am not good at cooking.

B: ________You Can bring forks (餐叉) and spoons! Those are very important. C: Thanks, Taylor! ________

B: Ben is the secretary (秘书). Maybe he's planning it. A. That's OK. B. You're welcome! C. Can you help me cook? D. Would you like to join us? E. Who is planning the potluck? F. But I enjoy other people's food. G. Everyone can bring something.


31.阅读理解Here are summer activities in museums. The Postal Museum Date: July 16 to July 22 Age: 1113

Would you like to join us this summer vacation? You can learn about the history of stamps (邮票)and design (设计) a stamp yourself. You can also enjoy many beautiful pictures in our museum. Tel: 965-0403

The Air and Space Museum Date: July 24 to July 30 Age: 811

If you like activities about air and space, please come here. It's a good place to make and fly your own paper plane, watch an IMAX movie, and climb into a real plane. Tel: 654-0937 The Science Museum Date: August 7 to August 13

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Age: 9-12

You can experience video arts, play computer games about future cities, and ask robots questions here. It will be wonderful! Have fun! Tel: 357-3039 The Building Museum Date: August 15 to August 22 Age: 13-15

Want to enjoy design challenges (挑战)? Come and join us. You can go on trips to some famous buildings, learn to design your own room, and build small houses, Tel: 272-0561


1The Postal Museum activities are available for.

A. 7 days B. 11 days C. 13 days D. 16 days 2If one wants to know more about the Science Museum, he can call A. 9650403 B. 654093 7 C. 3573039 D. 272056 1 3Which of the following is the Building Museum's activity?

A. Watching a movie about future buildings. B. Going on trips to some famous buildings. C. Designing a building on the computer. D. Seeing robots build houses. 4Tom is a 10 year-old boy. What museums can he choose from? A. The Air and Space Museum and the Science Museum. B. The Postal Museum and the Air and Space Museum. C. The Science Museum and the Building Museum. D. The Building Museum and the Postal Museum. 5The material is probably from a

A. diary B. dictionary C. storybook D. magazine 32.阅读理解

A priest (神父) lived with his small white cat. One day, the cat climbed up a tree and was afraid to come down. The priest called its name and gave it its favorite drink, warm milk, but the cat still didn't come down. So the priest decided to tie a rope (拴一根绳子) between his car and the tree. He thought as he drove, the tree would bend down (弯曲) and he could get the cat. He did so. But he drove too far, and the rope broke.

The tree went "boing!" and the cat at once went through the air. The priest couldn't see it. He felt terrible. He walked around the neighborhood asking people if they'd seen his cat. But nobody had seen it. At last, he said, "God (上帝), I just give this cat to your keeping."

A few days later, he met one of his church members' (教会成员) in a shop. He saw cat food in her shopping bag. This woman disliked cats and everyone knew it, so he asked her in surprise, "Why are you buying cat food?" She replied, "My little girl always wanted a cat, but I kept refusing. Then a few days ago, she asked again. I told her if God gave her a cat, she could keep it. She went out of the .house and said something to the sky. Then suddenly .a cat flew out of the blue sky and landed in front of her. "

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The priest smiled and said, "How lucky your little girl is!" Then he went on shopping. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。

1What can we know about the cat from Paragraph 1?

A. It was afraid of cars. B. It liked warm milk. C. R was yellow. D. It ate a lot. 2The priest drove his car to

A. find a tree B. break a rope C. give away his cat D. help his cat come down 3The underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 implies (暗示) that the priest A. was sure his cat would be OK B. was angry with his missing cat C. decided to stop looking for his cat D. wished his cat could find a better home 4What made the priest surprised when he saw the woman? A. She bought cat food. B. She shopped too much. C. She took a cat with her. D. She took a little girl with her. 5After talking with the woman, the priest probably felt

A. shy B. bored C. angry D. relaxed 33.任务型阅读

When I was about 6 years old, I lived in Kenya. On the roads, there were always street children asking for money. There was such a big difference between those children and me. At least I didn't have to worry about my living.

My family had a wonderful driver, John, who had been working for us for years. He took me to and from school. One day, when we stopped in busy traffic (交通), a young street child went to us and called, "Hi, John!" John then gave him a little money and said goodbye to him with a smile before we went on to school. I was quite surprised. I knew that John worked hard to make money. He had a large family himself. We always sent food and clothes to his family. I couldn't understand why he gave money to the child. "Who was that?" I asked.

"My friend," he replied. "Sometimes I see him on my way to work and I give him a little money." I was still unable to understand, so I asked, "Why do you give him money?" John replied, "So he can use it to buy some food."

At that moment (瞬间q) I understood what kindness really was.

Every Friday my grandfather gave me chocolates. I would save (保留) some so I could give them to John' s friend on the weekend.


1)判断正误:The writer first met John's friend on his way home.

2)判断正误:John had a high-paying job and he got more money than he needed. 3)简要回答问题:What was John's job? ________

4)简要回答问题:What would the writer give John's friend on the weekend? ________

5What word may the writer use to describe John?

A. Smart. B. Lucky. C. Kind. D. Serious.

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34.I am just telling your mother how ________ (talent) you are. 35.My sister's dream is to be a ________(piano) like Lang Lang. 36.Do you know when they ________(build) the beautiful house? 37.I think there's nothing________(funny) than watching sitcoms.

38.We________(agree) on future plans at the meeting. We have to discuss them another time.



We can go out to play________ ________ ________it________rain. 40.这项工作是难,不过至少报酬还好。

The work is difficult, but________ ________ the pay is good. 41.你对事情过于认真,尽量多享受些人生乐趣吧!

You________ ________ ________ ________ try to enjoy life more! 42.我们打算在十月初去美国学习。

We are going to study in America________ ________ ________ ________ October. 43.当你妈妈外出时,谁照顾你了?

Who ________ ________you when your mother was out?


44.阅读短文,从方框中选择恰当的词并用其适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。每词限用一次。 your, see, break, old, if, bag, heavy, wonder, add, money

One day a beggar (乞丐) was going from house to house. He had a(n)________ in one hand and at every house he asked for money to buy something to eat. He felt sad about being so unlucky in life, and kept ________ why some people always wanted more. He thought that ________ he had enough money to buy food and clothes, he would be very happy and wouldn't want anything more.

Then Fortune (财富) came down the street. She ________ the beggar and said to him, "I want to help "you. Open your bag and I will put ________ into it, but only on this condition (条件) All that goes into your bag will be ________ but all that falls on the ground (地面) will turn into dust ( 尘土)." "OK," said the beggar.

"Your bag is ________ I can't put too much in it," said Fortune.

The beggar opened his bag and Fortune put money into it. His bag grew very________. "You are rich now," said Fortune. “I should stop! Your bag is going to ________!"

However, the beggar said he wanted some more. Fortune ________ more money to his bag and the bag broke. All the money fell to the ground and turned into dust. The beggar had nothing but his old bag. He was as poor as before.


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45.假如你要去英国参加一次冬令营活动,活动要求每个成员在开营仪式上做自我介绍,内容包括自己的性格、爱好、参加此次活动的目的以及梦想的工作等。请你写一篇英语短文为此次发言做准备。 要求:80词左右,可适当发挥。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Hello, everyone! I' m very glad to meet all of you here. That's all. Thank you.

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一、听句子,选出与其意思相符的图片。 1.【答案】B


【解析】【听力原文】Jeff wants to be a computer programmer when he grows up. 【分析】句意:杰夫长大后想当一名电脑程序员。听力中出现了电脑程序员,故选B 【点评】考查学生对听力的掌握,以及看图能力。 2.【答案】A


【解析】【听力原文】Robots can help people do housework.

【分析】句意:机器人可以帮助人们做家务。听力中出现了机器人,故选A 【点评】考查学生对听力的掌握,以及看图能力。 3.【答案】C


【解析】【听力原文】Now we need one small watermelon.

【分析】句意:现在我们需要一个小西瓜。听力中出现了西瓜,故选C 【点评】考查学生对听力的掌握,以及看图能力。 4.【答案】A


【解析】【听力原文】Susan walls about 5 miles every day to keep healthy.

【分析】句意:苏珊每天要保持大约5英里的距离以保持健康。听力中出现了步行,故选A 【点评】考查学生对听力的掌握,以及看图能力。 5.【答案】B


【解析】【听力原文】My family enjoys watching games on TV.

【分析】句意:我的家人喜欢在电视上看比赛。选项中的关键为看电视,故选B 【点评】考查学生对听力的掌握,以及看图能力。 二、听对话,选择最佳答案。 6.【答案】C


【解析】【听力原文】M: I never went to the beach, but I often go to climb mountains. What about you, Maria? W: I like to go camping. I do it once a week.


【点评】在听力中,学生需要掌握听力的重点,寻找题干中出现的人名。 7.【答案】B

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【解析】【听力原文】M: Mary, your skirt looks the same as Eva's. W: No, Eva's has little flowers on it.


【点评】考查学生对单词的掌握以及对听力的掌握。 8.【答案】A


【解析】【听力原文】W: Tim plays the guitar so well. He must want to be a musician when he grows up. M: No, he wants to be a writer.

【分析】句意:W:提姆弹吉他弹得很好。他长大后一定想成为一名音乐家。M:不,他想成为一名作家。根据、听力内容可知TIm长大后像成为一名作家。故选A 【点评】考查学生对职业的掌握。 9.【答案】B


【解析】【听力原文】W: I'm flying to Hangzhou for my vacation this summer. M: That's wonderful. Have a good time.


【点评】考查学生对交通工具的掌握。 10.【答案】A 【考点】短对话理解

【解析】【听力原文】M: Is your friend Grace older than you, Linda? W: Yes, she is only one day older than me. My birthday is on March 30th.

【分析】句意:M:琳达,你的朋友格瑞丝比你大吗?W:是的,她比我大一天。我的生日是330日。根据所听内容可知琳达的生日是330日,而格瑞丝比她大一天,因此为329日。故选A. 【点评】考查学生对听力的掌握以及日期的推理。 三、听长对话,选择最佳答案。 11.【答案】1C 2B


【解析】【听力原文】M: Jenny, why do you look so tired?

W: I had a party yesterday evening. I made dinner for all the guests and then we watched a soccer game together.

M: How many guests were there? W: 15.

【分析】(1)根据所听内容 I had a party yesterday evening. 可知珍妮昨天举办了一场聚会,故选C 2根据所听内容then we watched a soccer game together.M: How many guests were there?W: 15.可知珍妮

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【点评】考查学生对听力的掌握,对于长对话理解学生可以先阅读题干,然后根据题干内容找出听力中对应的回答。 12.【答案】1C 2B 3B


【解析】【听力原文】W: Hello! Sally speaking.

M: Hello, Sally. It is Vince. Can I speak to your brother Larry? W: I' m sorry he isn't in. He went out for dinner with his friends. M: Can I leave a message?

W: Sure. I'll tell him when he comes back.

M: Thanks. I' m going to have a reading party on Wednesday evening. I'd like to invite him to come. That's all. W: OK.

【分析】(1)根据所听内容Hello, Sally. It is Vince.可知是VInce在打电话,故选C

2)根据所听内容He went out for dinner with his friends.可知拉里和朋友出去吃晚饭了,故选B 3根据所听内容I' m going to have a reading party on Wednesday evening. I可知在周三的晚上会有读书聚会,故选B

【点评】学生可以根据题干中的关键词在听力中寻找答案。 四、听短文,选择最佳答案。 13.【答案】1B 2C 3A 4C 5A


I'm Joe. I surprised my mother by making a meal on her birthday, July 6th. I bought some 【解析】【听力原文】fresh vegetables to make a salad. The meal started with the salad. I washed the vegetables, cut them up and mixed them in a bowl. The main dish was fish. It was difficult to make the fish gravy. The last part of the meal was the cake. I bought a chocolate cake at the supermarket. It's my mother's favorite food. My mother really enjoyed the dinner. After dinner, I found that cooking wash't the hard part. It was the cleaning!

【分析】(1)根据所听内容 I surprised my mother by making a meal on her birthday, July 6th.可知乔的妈妈的生日是在七月六号,故选B

2)根据所听内容The meal started with the salad. 可知乔首先做了沙拉,故选C

3)根据所听内容 It was difficult to make the fish gravy. 可知对乔来说做鱼肉汁很难,故选A 4)根据所听内容 I bought a chocolate cake at the supermarket. It's my mother's favorite food. 可知乔的妈妈最喜欢的是巧克力蛋糕,故选C

5根据所听内容After dinner, I found that cooking wash't the hard part. It was the cleaning!可知乔认为最难

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【点评】对于短文类的听力学生可以不必通篇认真听原文,可以先看看题目中的问题,找出应该听的关键点,从而正确作答。 14.【答案】C 【考点】代词辨析

【解析】【分析】句意:我发现在这么大的噪音下我不可能认真听老师讲。find it impossible发现某事是不可能的,这里的it做形式主语,指代后文的 listen to the teacher carefully with so much noise,故选C. 【点评】考查学生对代词的掌握。 15.【答案】B


【解析】【分析】句意:虽然巧克力很美味,我不认为你应该吃太多。根据后文don't think不认为,与前 delicious美味的,可知此句的前后表示的是转折关系,因此用Although引导,故选B 【点评】考查学生对转折语句引导词的掌握。 16.【答案】D 【考点】名词辨析

【解析】【分析】句意:-他们没有去看新房子。你知道原因吗?-我想他们更喜欢住在公寓里。根据后文I think they like living in an apartment more可知这是他们没有去看新房子的原因,reason表示原因,故选D 【点评】考查学生对名词的掌握。 17.【答案】A


【解析】【分析】句意:我们都知道地球绕着太阳转。这句话是真理,真理的句子均用一般现在时,而主语为地球,因此用第三人称单数,故选A 【点评】考查学生对 特殊句式的掌握。 18.【答案】C 【考点】短语辨析

【解析】【分析】句意:妈妈,今晚我邀请苏珊到我家吃晚饭。-好的。让我们为她做些好吃的。肯定句中something,而一些好吃的表达方式为something delicious,故选C 【点评】考查学生对something修饰形容词的掌握。 19.【答案】D 【考点】动词辨析

【解析】【分析】句意:孩子们很高兴看到滑稽的猴子出现在电影中,他们高兴地跳了起来。appear出现,结合句意可知电影中出现的猴子让孩子们很兴奋,故选D 【点评】考查学生对动词的掌握。 20.【答案】B

【解析】【分析】句意:Nick每天练习游泳。他希望在游泳比赛中获得一等奖。hope to do sth希望做某事,故选B

【点评】考查学生对动词短语的掌握。 21.【答案】D

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【解析】【分析】句意:上周末你们在农场玩得开心吗?-是的,我们都玩得很开心。结合句意可知此处是问你们在农场玩得开心么,enjoy oneself享受某人的生活,根据后文回答中的we可知此处应该用复数,故选D

【点评】考查学生对反身代词的掌握。 22.【答案】C


【解析】【分析】句意:这家商店的夹克太贵了。我想在别的地方更便宜地买到它。根据前文可知这家店里的夹克衫太贵了,因此我想要在其他更便宜的店买,用比较级,more cheaply更便宜,故选C 【点评】考查学生对形容词比较级的掌握。 23.【答案】D 【考点】...之一

【解析】【分析】句意:Tim是学校篮球对最矮的运动员,但是他是最好的。根据后文the best最好的,可知此处应该用最高级,在形容词最高级之前要用the修饰,故选D 【点评】考查学生对形容词最高级的掌握。 24.【答案】A 【考点】疑问代词

——你多久吃一次汉堡,【解析】分析】句意:爱丽丝?——有时。妈妈叫我不要经常吃。根据后文Sometimes.可知此处是询问做某事的频率,How often多久一次,故选A 【点评】考查学生对疑问代词的掌握,注意How构成的疑问词的用法。 25.【答案】C


【解析】【分析】句意:你越去旅行,你的生活经验将会越丰富。结合句意可知这是一个递进的关系,旅行可以增加生活经历,因此用The more,比较级,故选C 【点评】考查学生对比较级句式的掌握。 26.【答案】B 【考点】短语辨析

【解析】【分析】句意:不要靠近这个建筑,它可能会倒塌。根据前文Don't go near the building可知这是一个警告,说明这个建筑并不安全,fall down倒塌,符合句意,故选B 【点评】考查学生对动词短语的掌握。 27.【答案】C

【解析】【分析】句意:电影美女与野兽在下午三点五十开始,另一场将在二十分钟之后上演。根据前文started at 3:50 p.m可知这个已经上演了,而另一个还没有,因此应该用将来时,用will引导,be on为上演,故选C.

【点评】考查学生对时态的掌握。 28.【答案】A 【考点】情景交际

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【解析】【分析】句意:- Dale不能和我们一起放风筝。-怎么会?他答应我他会来的。结合句意可知Dale 本来答应我一起放风筝,但是他不来了,因此我感到很惊讶,How come?怎么会这样,表示惊讶,故选A【点评】考查学生对情景对话的掌握。 五、完形填空

29.【答案】1B;(2D;(3A;(4C;(5B;(6D;(7D;(8A;(9C;(10B 【考点】日常生活类


1)考查名词辨析,fish鱼,根据前文once she took me to the sea museum带我去海洋馆可知是研究我最喜欢的鱼,故选B

2)考查副词辨析,often经常,根据前文She was a volunteer (志愿者) there,可知她曾经是这里的志愿者,因此她经常会 来到这,故选D


4)考查副词辨析,loudly大声的,根据后文so they could hear me所以他们能听见我,因此可知我读的很大声,故选C

5考查形容词辨析,happy高兴的,根据前文They said my reading was excellent他们说我的阅读很好,可知他们夸奖了我,因此我感到很高兴,故选B

6)考查介词辨析,about关于,tell stories about讲述关于……的故事,故选D

7考查名词辨析,countries国家(复数)根据后文Mrs. Wang came from China, and Mrs. Guleed was from South Africa.可知他们是来自不同的国家,故选D

8)考查形容词辨析,described描述(过去式),根据句意可知他们在描述他们的家乡,故选A 9)考查动词辨析,played演奏(过去式),play the piano弹钢琴,故选C

10考查动词辨析,missed想念(过去式),根据前文 I liked them so much可知我非常喜欢他们,因此我回家后会很想念他们,故选B

【点评】近几年中考试题中完形填空有新的变化,试题所涉及的知识面不断拓宽,综合难度不断提高.做完形填空首先要通读全文,了解大意.一篇完形填空的文章有许多空格,所以必须要先通读一到两遍,才能大致了解文章内容.千万不要看一句,做一句.其次要逐句分析,前后一致.选择答案时,要考虑整个句子的内容,包括搭配,时态以及语法等.答案全部填完后,再通读一遍文章,检查是否通顺流畅,用词得当,意思正确。 六、情景交际

30.【答案】FGDAE 【考点】补全对话

【解析】【分析】A. That's OK.没关系。 B. You're welcome!不客气!

C. Can you help me cook?你能帮我做饭吗?

D. Would you like to join us?你愿意和我们一起去吗? E. Who is planning the potluck?是谁策划餐会吗? F. But I enjoy other people's food.但我喜欢其他人的食物。

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G. Everyone can bring something.每个人都可以带点东西。

1)根据前文 I don't bake or cook very often. 可知我不经常烹饪,说明我喜欢其他人的食物,故选F. 2)根据后文Then we can share.我们可以分享可知每个人都可以带些食物,故选G 3)根据后文Sure, I'd love to.我愿意,可知前文是问你愿意和我们一起去吗,故选D 4)根据前文I am not good at cooking.可知我不擅长烹饪,此处回答没关系,故选A

5)根据后文Ben is the secretary (秘书). Maybe he's planning it.可知本事秘书,他可以策划餐会,因此此处是问谁策划餐会,故选E

【点评】七选五阅读是完成性阅读,和完形填空很类似,不同的是一个选词,一个选句子.解题时,要注意上下文语境,充分考虑信息词(选项中和空格前后句子中相同或相近的词),选出最符合语境的句子. 七、阅读理解 31.【答案】1A 2C 3B 4A 5D



1)细节理解题,根据第一则广告The Postal MuseumDate: July 16 to July 22可知邮政博物馆从716日开放至722日,一共七天,故选A

2细节理解题,根据第三则广告The Science MuseumTel: 357-3039可知如果想要更了解科学博物馆应该拨打357-3039,故选C

3)细节理解题,根据最后一则广告Want to enjoy design challenges (挑战)? Come and join us. You can go on trips to some famous buildings, learn to design your own room, and build small houses,可知在建筑博物馆可以参观著名的建筑,学习设计自己的房间,建造小房子等,故选B

4)细节理解题,根据第二则广告The Air and Space MuseumDate: July 24 to July 30Age: 811;第三则广告The Science MuseumDate: August 7 to August 13Age: 9-12可知汤姆可以选择航空航天博物馆和科学博物馆,故选A.


【点评】题目重在理解全文的意思.对于题目中所设置的问题要充分理解原文,在文章中找到答案,利用文章的信息进行作答. 32.【答案】1B 2D 3C 4A 5D


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1)细节理解题,根据第一段The priest called its name and gave it its favorite drink, warm milk, but the cat still didn't come down. 可知这只猫喜欢热牛奶,故选B.

2)细节理解题,根据第一段He thought as he drove, the tree would bend down (弯曲) and he could get the cat. 可知牧师开车是为了让树弯曲然后让猫下来,故选D.

3)细节理解题,根据第二段At last, he said, "God (上帝), I just give this cat to your keeping."可知牧师想要将猫给上帝保管,即他决定不再照顾这只猫,故选C.

4)细节理解题,根据第三段This woman disliked cats and everyone knew it, so he asked her in surprise, 知牧师很惊讶是因为他看见了一个不喜欢猫的人买猫粮,故选A.

5)细节理解题,根据最后一段 The priest smiled and said, "How lucky your little girl is!"可知牧师与这个女人谈完后知道自己的猫被收养了因此会很轻松,故选D


33.【答案】10 20

3He was a driver for the writer's family. 4Chocolates. 5C



1)细节理解题,根据第三段 John then gave him a little money and said goodbye to him with a smile before we went on to school. 可知作者是在去上学的路上遇见了约翰的朋友,而不是回家的路上,故错误。 2)推理判断题,根据第三段 I knew that John worked hard to make money.可知约翰需要努力挣钱,因此他没有高收入,故错误。

3细节理解题,根据第二段 My family had a wonderful driver, John, who had been working for us for years. 可知约翰的工作是作者家的司机,故答案为He was a driver for the writer's family.

4)细节理解题,根据最后一段 Every Friday my grandfather gave me chocolates. I would save (保留) some so I could give them to John' s friend on the weekend.可知作者会在周末给约翰的 朋友巧克力,故填Chocolates.

5细节理解题,根据倒数第二段At that moment (瞬间) I understood what kindness really was.可知作者认为约翰是很善良的,故选C

【点评】做这类题材阅读理解时要求考生对文章通读一遍,做题时结合原文和题目有针对性的找出相关语句进行仔细分析,结合选项选出正确答案.推理判断题也是要在抓住关键句子的基础上合理的分析才能得出正确答案,切忌胡乱猜测,一定要做到有理有据. 八、根据句意及括号内所给单词的提示填空。

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34.【答案】talented 【考点】过去式和过去分词

【解析】【分析】句意:我只是在告诉你妈你有多聪明。所给提示为talent才能,名词,而此处是形容人聪明,因此应该用形容词,故答案为talented 【点评】考查学生对词形转换的掌握。 35.【答案】pianist 【考点】名词辨析

【解析】【分析】句意:我姐姐的梦想是成为一名像郎朗一样的钢琴家。所给提示为piano钢琴,根据后 like Lang Lang郎朗是一个钢琴家,可知我的姐姐也想成为钢琴家,故答案为pianist 【点评】考查学生对名词形式变换的掌握。 36.【答案】built


【解析】【分析】句意:你知道他们什么时候建这个美丽的房子的么?所给提示为build建造,根据句意可知这个房子已经建完了,因此为过去式,故答案为built 【点评】考查学生对语句时态的掌握。 37.【答案】funnier


【解析】【分析】句意:我认为没有比看情景喜剧更有趣的了。所给提示为funny有趣的,而这里是指更有趣的,因此用比较级,故答案为funnier 【点评】考查学生对形容词比较级的掌握。 38.【答案】disagreed 【考点】过去式和过去分词

【解析】【分析】句意:我们在会上对未来的计划意见不一致。我们得再讨论一次。所给提示为agree意,而后文We have to discuss them another time.说需要再讨论,因此是意见没有同意,因此是不同意,同时用过去式,故答案为disagreed 【点评】考查学生对动词反义词的掌握。

九、根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词(含缩略形式) 39.【答案】aslongasdoesn't 【考点】补充句子

【解析】【分析】as long as只要……就,不下雨应该用doesn't引导否定,故答案为as long as doesn't 【点评】考查学生对短语as……as的掌握。 40.【答案】atleast 【考点】补充句子

【解析】【分析】at least至少,根据句意可知缺少的部分为至少,故答案为at least 【点评】考查学生对语意以及短语的掌握。 41.【答案】takethingstooseriously 【考点】补充句子

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【解析】【分析】seriously严肃的,认真的,take things处理事情,too修饰形容词,表示太,过于,故答案为take things too seriously

【点评】考查学生对重点单词的掌握,学生需要多记单词以及固定搭配。 42.【答案】atthebeginningof 【考点】肯定陈述句

【解析】【分析】at the beginning of……的开始,at the beginning of October为十月初,故答案为at the beginning of

【点评】考查学生对固定短语的掌握。 43.【答案】lookedafter 【考点】特殊疑问句

【解析】【分析】look after照顾,根据后文was out外出,可知此句应该为一般过去式,故答案为looked after

【点评】考查学生对短语以及时态的辨析。 十、综合填空

44.【答案】bagwonderingifsawmoneyyoursoldheavybreakadded 【考点】选词填空


备选项中文:your你的, see看见, break打破, old老的, if如果, bag书包, heavy重的, wonder想知道, add, money

1)句意:他一手拿着一个袋子,在每个房子里要钱买些吃的。根据后文Open your bag可知这个乞丐手中拿着的是个袋子,故答案为bag

2)句意:他为生活中的不幸感到难过,不停地想为什么有些人总是想要更多的东西。keep doing,一直做某事,这里指他一直在想为什么人们想要得到更多东西,故答案为wondering


4)句意:她看见这个乞丐并对他说。根据前文Then Fortune (财富) came down the street. 可知财富来到了这条街,看见了这个乞丐,根据后文said可知此处用过去式,故答案为saw

5)句意:打开你的包,我会往里放一些钱。根据后文more money to his bag可知财富是要在乞丐包里放一些钱,故答案为money


7)句意:你的包太旧了,我不能放太多东西。根据后文I can't put too much in it不能在包里放太多东西可知乞丐的包已经很旧了,不能承受太多,故答案为old

8)句意:他的包变得非常重。根据前文 Fortune put money into it可知财富在包里放了很多钱,因此包应该变重,故答案为heavy

9)句意:你的包马上就要坏了。根据前文I should stop! 可知财富说自己应该停下了,她知道这个乞丐的包马上就要坏了, is going to后接动词原形,故答案为break

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10)句意:财富往他的包里加了更多的钱然后他的包坏了。根据后文the bag broke可知财富又向包里加了些钱,因此包坏了,用过去式,故答案为added


45.【答案】One possible version:

Hello, everyone! I' m very glad to meet all of you here. I am a little shy but I am always ready to help others. I like cooking. I cook for my family every weekend. I am happy that I can come to the winter camp. Through this activity I hope I can learn more about English culture, mainly about food culture. Also I hope I can improve my English. As for my dream job, I want to be a cook. I want to cook the most delicious food for my family. That's all. Thank you.




1. 我有点害羞,但我总是乐于助人。I am a little shy but I am always ready to help others.

2.通过这次活动,我希望能更多地了解英国文化,主要是关于饮食文化。Through this activity I hope I can learn more about English culture, mainly about food culture. 二、根据要点,写出关键词,短语或句子。 三、组词成句,连词成篇。注意使用一般现在时。


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