
2023-10-05 14:46:41   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《用often造句》,欢迎阅读!



动词的前面,或者在be动词或助动词的后面,如:He often reads books. 他经常读书。She is often late for school. 她经常上学迟到。

often可以用how often来提问,表示某动作或状态发生的频率,如:How often do you go to the cinema? 你多久去一次电影院?

often的同义词有frequently, repeatedly, regularly等,它们的语气和用法有些不同,如:She frequently travels abroad. 她经常出国旅行。He repeated the same mistake. 他屡次犯同样的错误。They regularly attend the meeting. 他们定期参加会议。


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I often go to bed early. 我经常早睡。

He often helps me with my homework. 他经常帮我做作业。 She often listens to music in her room. 她经常在房间里听音乐 They often play soccer on weekends. 他们周末经常踢足球。 We often have lunch together. 我们经常一起吃午饭。 He often forgets his keys. 他经常忘记带钥匙。

She often writes letters to her friends. 她经常给她的朋友写信。 They often argue about trivial things. 他们经常为了一些小事争吵。 We often watch movies at home. 我们经常在家看电影。 He often makes jokes. 他经常开玩笑。 She often studies hard. 她经常努力学习。

They often visit their grandparents. 他们经常拜访他们的祖父母。 We often chat online. 我们经常在线聊天。

He often drinks coffee in the morning. 他经常早上喝咖啡。 She often sings in the shower. 她经常在淋浴时唱歌。

They often go hiking in the mountains. 他们经常去山里徒步。 We often celebrate birthdays together. 我们经常一起庆祝生日。 He often works late. 他经常工作到很晚。

She often smiles at strangers. 她经常对陌生人微笑。 They often cook for themselves. 他们经常自己做饭。

