
2022-03-22 01:21:14   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《关于网课的英语博文》,欢迎阅读!


Due to the novel coronavirus, schools across the country have delayed the opening hours. We are all in the online class, although the online class is convenient, but I still want to go back to the original classroom.

In the morning of the first day of online class, I got up early and began to read early. Afterbreakfast, I sat at my desk in a hurry, ready for class supplies, and then turned on my tablet computer to wait for class. I started my first online class trip seriously, and I wrote down the important ones while watching. Finish the homework assigned by the teacher quickly after class, and the day is over unconsciously! I was very happy on the first day of online class, which lasted for two weeks.

When I heard my mother say that the opening time of school was delayed, my heart hurt like a knife, and I was very sad. Because I miss the students, also want to listen to my teacher lectures, but also want to communicate and play with students! But all can not be achieved, Ihad to bury these ideas in the bottom of my heart, continue my online course journey! In this way, I insist to now, never give up.

Although the online class is lively and interesting, when you meet someone you dont understand, you can only ask your parents for help, but you cant communicate with your teachers and classmates face to face. I

dont know how long it will take. I miss my campus! I hope the epidemic will end soon, so that we can go back to school and see the teachers and classmates I miss again!

This week is the third week of online class, I still dont know how to connect wheat? My mother said I was stupid. I wanted the teacher to ask me questions in class, but I didnt even know how to make it! I have to give up.

Once, I was particularly embarrassed. Because after school at noon, I accidentally point to live broadcast, and I will not quit. I can only turn off my mobile phone and restart it. As a result, the problem has not been solved. The math teacher called me and asked who was in our family. I said my parents were there. The teacher said that my father would quit the live broadcast. However, my father could not operate, so we had to quit the class nail group.

Later, my father asked the teacher to invite him to join the group. These days, my eyes ache, go to the clinic, the original vision 5. O eyes, now become myopia.

I want to use the computer class, because my eyes will not be short-sighted. But Im in my hometown, the computer is in Xixia, so I cant go.

Students, do you have myopia? Anyway, my eyes ache every night. I

hope the online learning will end soon.

