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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《英语学习资料:父亲节送什么礼物呢?》,欢迎阅读!


It is important to keep in mind his passion, hobbies, and quirks, and whether he is a golfer or a hiker, a geek or a traveler. While, no matter how serious a dad may appear, it is not as hard as we feel to impress him, with a little homework.

If you are a daughter or son, make use of the following 10 gift ideas we have e up with. If you are a dad, tip them off by passing on this article.

1. Get him interested in a new sport让他喜欢上某项运动 Choose a sport which is new for both of you, and play it together, whether it is horseback riding, polo, bowling or golf. Once you both begin, you may naturally want to spend more time with him and practice even more.

2. Buy him an air purifier给他买一台空气净化器

Nobody minds cleaner air, and an air purifier would please any health conscious person when the AQI (Air Quality Index) reads high. If your father already has an air purifier, add more green plants in his house or apartment to generate fresher air.

3. Stay up with him while watching his favorite football game 和他一起看他喜欢的足球赛

It is too bad that all the 2014 World Cup games fall between midnight and before dawn here in China. But you can show your father some love by staying up with him to drink and cheer along for his favorite team.

4. Buy a restaurant voucher for him to date with mom给他买一张餐券让他和妈妈一起去约会

No celebration is plete with great food. Family dinners are always appreciated, but parents sometimes also want an escape from the children. Do him a favor by arranging a romantic meal for him to dine with his favorite lady.

5. Cook or bake for him给他做饭或者烤面包

Cooking and baking are not intimidating. Follow any recipe carefully, and any layman can fry a steak or bake a muffin. Some scrumptious desserts do not even need an oven, like tiramisu.

6. A father makeover给父亲美容

We always see lots of women makeovers in fashion magazines, but why can't dads have a similar experience? Talk him into a facial, fair dressing and styling for an experience, and he might be surprised by his own look. Good luck with catching him taking a selfie!

7. Introduce him to a new game and play it with him介绍父亲新游戏并和他一起玩

If you are good with the most popular game at present, teach your father so he can play and talk about it with you. When the younger employees in his pany talk about the game, he does not need to turn around and walk away.

8. Get him into photography给他照相

It is important for retired people to stay active and positive to get over the loneliness. Photography is a great hobby to pass

