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Driving While on a Cell Phone Worse Than Driving While Drunk 21:44:27 EDT June 29, 2006

开车打电话比酒后驾车更糟糕. 美国东部时间200662921:44:27

Thursday, June 29 Maneuvering through traffic while talking on the phone increases the likelihood of an accident five-fold and is actually more dangerous than driving drunk, U.S. researchers report.


That finding held true whether the driver was holding a cell phone or using a hands-free device, the researchers noted.研究人员指出,这个发现在司机拿着手机或使用免提装置时保持准确, “As a society, we have agreed on not tolerating the risk associated with drunk driving,” said researcher Frank Drews, an assistant professor of psychology at the University of Utah. “This study shows us that somebody who is conversing on a cell phone is exposing him or herself and others to a similar risk cell phones actually are a higher risk,” he said. “作为一个社会,我们都同意不容忍与酒后驾车有关的风险,”研究员弗兰克德鲁斯,一个在犹他大学的心理学助理教授说,“这项研究告诉我们,人在打手机时使自己和别人处于类似的风险-手机实际上是一个更高的风险”

His team’s report appears in the summer issue of the journal Human Factors. 他的团队的报告发表在人类因素日报的夏季问题上。

In the study, 40 people followed a pace car along a prescribed course, using a driving simulator. Some people drove while talking on a cell phone, others navigated while drunk (meaning their blood-alcohol limit matched the legal limit of 0.08 percent), and others drove with no such distractions or impairments


“We found an increased accident rate when people were conversing on the cell phone,” Drews said. Drivers on cell phones were 5.36 times more likely to get in an accident than non-distracted drivers, the researchers found. 德鲁斯说,“我们发现当人们打手机时增加事故率”。研究人员发现,打电话的司机比非分心驾驶者多5.36倍的事故几率。

The phone users fared even worse than the inebriated, the Utah team found. There were three accidents among those talking on cell phones all of them involving a rear-ending of the pace car. In contrast, there were no accidents recorded among participants who were drunk, or the sober, cell-phone-free group. 犹他队发现,手机用户的表现甚至比喝醉更糟。在讲手机的人中有三起事故-都涉及与引路车追尾。与之相反的是,那些喝醉了的或是清醒的、无手机群的参与者没有意外的记录。 The bottom line: Cell-phone use was linked to “a significant increase in the accident rate,” Drews said. 德鲁斯说,底线:手机使用与“事故发生率显著增加”是有联系的。 He said there was a difference between the behaviors of drunk drivers and those who were talking on the phone. Drunk drivers tended to be aggressive, while those talking on the phone

were more sluggish, Drews said.


In addition, the researchers found talking on the cell phone reduce reaction time by 9 percent in terms of braking and 19 percent in terms of picking up speed after braking. “This is significant, because it has an impact on traffic as a system,” Drews said. “If we have drivers who are taking a lot of time in accelerating once having slowed down, the overall flow of traffic is dramatically reduced,” he said.


In response to safety concerns, some states have outlawed the use of hand-held cell phones while driving. But that type of legislation may not be effective, because the Utah researchers found no difference in driver performance whether the driver was holding the phone or talking on a hands-free model.


Quake Kills at Least 300 on Indonesian Island 印尼的岛屿上,地震至少杀死300 Vice President Says up to 2,000 Could Be Dead副总统说,高达2000人可能会死

(CNN) A major earthquake struck off the west coast of Indonesia late Monday killing hundreds; but fears of another tsunami like those that devastated the region in late December have faded.


On Indonesia’s Nias Island at least 300 people died and hundreds more were reported injured or trapped, said government spokesman Agus Mendrova.

政府发言人阿古斯mendrova说,据报道印度尼西亚尼亚斯岛至少300人死亡,数百人受伤或被困。But international news agencies are reporting that between 1,000 and 2,000 people may have been killed on Nias Island. 但国际新闻机构报道,1000-2000的人可能已经死亡在尼亚斯岛。

“It is predicted and it’s still a rough estimate that the number of the victims of dead may be between 1,000 and 2,000,” Vice President Jusuf Kalla told the el-Shinta radio station, according to The Associated Press.副总统卡拉告诉El-Shinta电台,据美联社,“据预测-仍然是一个粗略的估计,死去的遇难者人数可能在10002000之间。

Between 500 and 1,000 homes were destroyed, and the island’s public market was ablaze, Mendrova said. 500-1000个家园被摧毁,岛上的公共市场着火了,mendrova说。

Between 10,000 and 15,000 people ran to hilltops for safety in case of a tsunami, Mendrova

