
2022-08-16 23:03:16   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《形容词和副词》,欢迎阅读!


姓名_______ 班级_______


1.old-- 2.young-- 3.tall-- 4.long 5.short-- 6.strong-- 7.big-- 8.small 9.fat-- 10.thin-- 11.heavy-- 12.cold 13.nice-- 14.good-- 15.slow 16.beautiful-- 17.high-- 18.late-- 19.early-- 20.happy 二、按要求写出下列单词的响应形势

1.better(原级)- 2.thin(比较级)- 3.happy(最高级)- 4.white(对应词)- 5.hot(反义词)- 6.good(副词)- 7.much(比较级)- 8.bad(比较级)- 9.right(反义词)- 10.well(比较级)- 三、用所给单词的适当形式填空

1.My brother is two years_____(old) than me. 2.who is _____(thin),you or Helen? Helen is.

3.Which is ______(heavy),the elephant or the pig?

4.You have seven books,but I have ______(many) than you.I have ten. 5.I am very tall,but she is_____(tall) than me. 6.The apple is ____(big) and red.

7.It is _____(cool) today than yesterday.

8.Please come to school_______(early) tomorrow. 9.Who swims ______(fast),Jim or Li Ming?

10.Li Lei works much ______(hard) than before. 四、根据汉语用单词的适当形式填空

1.My mother is three years _______()than my father. 2.When spring comes,the days get ______(暖和) 3.Ann is the ____() of the three girls. 五、同意句转换

1.John is taller than my sister. My sister is_____ ______John.

2.Sarah is ten years old,Amy is eight years old. Amy is two years____ ______Sarah. 3.Sam is strong.Tom is stronger. Tom is ______ _______Sam.



( ) 1.My sister is a ______girl.

Agood Bwell Cvery ( )2.I ate______vegetables than I had yesterday. Amuch Bmany Cmore

( )3.Tom is nine.Tim is eleven.So Tom is______than Tim. Aolder Byounger Cheavier

( )4.The children look very ______today.They are playing______in the


Ahappy;happy Bhappyily;happy Chappy;happily

( )5.Which skirt do you like_____,the white one or the yellow one? Agood Bbetter Cbest



姓名_______ 班级_______


1many(比较级)________ 2good(比较级)__________ 3big(比较级)_________ 4heavy(比较级)__________ 5beautiful(比较级)______________ 6cold(反义词)____________ 二、选择方框中的词填空 little wrong tall big light

1Is Tom a short or a __________ boy?

2There is not much tea in the bottle. There is ________ tea in the bottle.

3Is the bag heavy or ________?

4、—Do you want a small one? No, I want a _______ one. 5Do you think she is right or ________ ? 三、用算给词的适当形式填空

1My sister is five years _______ (young) than me.

2Lily has five apples, but I have ________(many)than you. 3Mr Li is a ________(well)driver. 4Sam is ________(strong)than Tom.

5Who is _________(thin),you or Helen? Helen is. 6My eyes are _________(big) than __________(she). 7Which is _________(heavy),the elephant or the pig? 8I am 150 cm _________(tall).

9The apple is _________(big) and red.

10My hair is _________(short) than _________(Jane).


