
2022-08-08 01:03:28   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《简单英语小故事50字:胆大的老虎》,欢迎阅读!


Once upon a time, there was a cave in a tiger and a fox. They stole the poultry farmer commit all sorts, all day.

On this day, they took advantage of the farmer to go out, they went to the farmer’s house, this time they stole a sheep, the United States and the United States to eat a meal, but the tiger is too greedy, it said, to steal a return.

Farmer go back and found a sheep less, know certainly, was eaten by a tiger and fox. It is to how to deal with get abhorrent tigers and the fox, he saw the tiger furtive, the farmer took the stick, standing behind the door the sheepfold, tiger at the door and tried to hit it, tiger fled, is not the farmer killed.

But the tiger did not give up. The next day, it is going to steal the sheep, the farmer in the doorway dug a hole, the tiger door will fall into the farmer had prepared soil all poured into the tigers are suffocated inside.

Experience: cannot or will the consequences be insatiably avaricious.



农夫出去回来发现羊少了一只,就知道肯定市被老虎和狐狸吃掉了,它正在想怎么对付拿可恶的老虎和狐狸,就看见老虎鬼鬼祟祟的来了,农夫拿了根棒子,站在羊圈的门后面,等老虎一进门,就使劲打它,老虎落荒而逃,没被农夫打死。 可是老虎不死心,第二天,它有准备去偷羊,这次农夫在门口挖了个洞,老虎一进门就掉进去了,农夫把准备好的土全部倒进去了,老虎被闷死里面了。 心得:不能贪得无厌,不然就会自食恶果。

