
2023-02-13 20:32:10   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《用英语写做核酸所见小作文》,欢迎阅读!


1.有关做核酸的英语作文Today,the community informed that the nucleic acid test of all personnel should be carried out.Since mom saw the message at 4:30 and sent it at 4:00,when we went down.The line has been waiting for a long time.Seeing this,my mother decided to do it again at two o'clock in the middle of the night,because there will be fewer people at that time.So we went upstairs.After going upstairs,we waited again.When it was 10 o'clock,we couldn't wait.We all lay in bed and waited.After lying in bed,I fell asleep in a while.After sleeping,I waited until the next day to do it.Didn't I ask my mother to do it in the middle of the night?Why do you do it now?Mother said,"because when two o'clock,the volunteer said there was no cotton swab.Let's do it tomorrow."Oh,so it is.

2.有关做核酸的英语作文Today is my third nucleic acid test.Due to the epidemic,we have to do nucleic acid test.If you don't do it,you will easily catch the virus,and the health code will turn red,resulting in isolation observation.Since this is the third time I have done nucleic acid detection,it will be relatively easier with the experience of the first two times.I did three nucleic acid tests in our community,so I didn't have to drive to other places to do it.At about 4:30 p.m.,we lined up under this building.There were so many people.It took a long time to reach me.It's my turn to test.I'm nervous and excited.It's because Qiang hurt too much

twice,so I'm nervous and excited.Fortunately,I'm a male doctor this time.It won't hurt so much.After the test,go home.

3.有关做核酸的英语作文Now the epidemic situation in Zhengzhou is serious again.The transmission speed of"delta"virus is very fast.The whole city has started the third full nucleic acid test.What impresses me most is the second nucleic acid test.That day,my mother told me to go to bed early,because my father didn't necessarily call to let us go.I asked my mother,"why don't we line up like everyone else?"Mother said:"because now the'Delta'virus spreads too fast,not in crowded places."I lay in bed and thought:it's still early,and I can't sleep.What should I do?So I began to count sheep:one sheep,two sheep,three sheep I don't know how long I counted.I fell asleep."Xiyue,stop sleeping and get up to do nucleic acid."My mother woke me up from my sleep.I put on my clothes and got in the car to do nucleic acid.When I got there,the medical staff took samples with cotton swabs,I suddenly woke up!

When I got home,it was more than two o'clock in the morning.I fell asleep in bed May this war without gunpowder smoke end as soon as possible.Come on,Henan!Go China!

