
2022-04-25 20:08:19   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《三年级下册英语角》,欢迎阅读!



1. 一般情况,直接在名词后面加“s‖. : bed beds catcats

2. s, x, sh, ch‖ 结尾,在后面加 es ‖. : busbuses boxboxes glassglasses

3. +y , yies. : babybabies studystudies ladyladies

4. sheepsheep fishfish goldfishgoldfish

goosegeese mousemice childchildren shelfshelves toothteeth manmen womanwomen ◆不可数名词(不加s

hair--- juice--- tissue--- chalk--- water---

二.动词有三个:am are is

第一人称单数:I am 第二人称单数:you are 第三人称单数:he, she, it is 全部复数都用:are 注意不可数名词:Is there any tissue on the table ?

Is there any orange juice in the glass?

.some any

some any 的主要区别为:someany都表示 “一些” ,但是“some用于肯定句 any用于否定句(notnt)和疑问句(?)。例如: There are some apples in the fridge.变成否定句: There are not any apples in the fridge.变成疑问句: Are there any apples in the fridge?

. (拥has have

have 的基本意思相当于汉语的拥有。例如:I have a book.

have 一般用在主语是 I, you, we, they 等人称代词,以及事物名称是复数形式的时候(the boys\the girls \the children \the men \Mike and Jack ....。例如:

1、我/我们/他们 有一些笔记本。

I / We / They have some notebooks.(人称代词) 2 孩子们有一个球。The children have a ball.(人称复数)

3、桌子都有四条腿。The two desks have eight legs.(事物名称复数) 如果是第三人称单数及其它名词单数时,have 要变化成 has. 1、他有两个蛋糕。He has two cakes.(第三人称单数) 2Jane有几本图画书。

Jane has some picture-books.(Jane一个人,单数) 3、我们的教室有三扇窗子。

Our classroom has three windows.(指一间教室,单数) “你、他们、.有什么.? Do you have any pencils? Yes, I do.\No, I dont. 五、问你来自哪里? Where are you from? 回答: from 用国家名:I am from China.

from 用国籍:I am Chinese. 在哪里?

单数:Where is …? It’s on/in/under… 复数:Where are….? They’re on/in/under…


I () my(我的)

I am a teacher. / My English teacher is Mr. Zhang.


our (我们的)

We are your teachers./Our English teacher is Mr. Zhang.

you ( )

your (你的)

You are a tall boy. / Your bag is big and beautiful.

you ( 你们)

your (你们的)

You are my good friends./Your English teacher is tall.

he ( )

his ( 他的 )

He is my father. / His hair is short.

she ( )

her ( 她的)

She is my mother. / Her hair is long.

it ( )

its ( 它的)

It is a tall building./Its mouth is big. they ( 他们 )

their ( 他们的;她们的;它们的)

They are my father and mother./ Their English names are Ben and Janet.

