
2023-02-28 10:09:12   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《寒假作业答案》,欢迎阅读!

Unit1 单元检测题


(一)词汇(15) .根据首字母填空

1. grow 2. friendly 3. afraid 4. lying 5. first/favorite .根据中文填空

1. shelves 2. over 3. center 4. floors 5. with .根据所给的词填空

1. second 2. Finally 3. twelfth 4. buildings 5. wooden () 选择题

1. C 2. C 3. C 4.D 5.B 6. D 7. D 8.D 9.B 10.C 11. B 12.A 13.A 14.C 15. C (三)动词填空

1. sing 2.learning / to learn 3.is 4.to do 5.dancing 6. to see 7.will visit 8.to call 9.will be 10.lives (四)句型转换

1. Don’t do 2.more than 3.How many, have 4.How 5.below 6. favourite () 补全对话(10)

1. speak 2. sorry 3 .in 4.take 5.ask 6.know 7. And/What’s 8.knows 9.back 10. Thanks (六)完型填空

1. A 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.B 6.A 7.C 8.B 9.B 10.A. (七)阅读理解

A. 1.T 2.T 3.F 4.T 5. T

B. 1.can’t 2. colours 3. empty 4. are 5.desk (八)写作

I have a beautiful home . It has two floors with five rooms . There is a toilet in it . My parents live on the second floor . My room is on the second floor , too . It is very clean . We all like it very much

7B Unit 2单元检测


1-5 ABCDC 6-10 BDABA 11-15 BAACB 16-20 DACAB 21-25 ADAAC 26-30 BCDCA 31-35 BBCDA

36. companies 37. check 38. notice 39. broken 41. better 42. elder 43. artist 44. policemen 46. helpful

47. do some shopping 48. office workers 49. worry about

50. the day after tomorrow

40. engineer 45. visitors

51. engineer 52. machines 53. how 54. fixing 55. something 56. for 57. college 58. design 59. future 60. true 61. There will be 62. How long will

63. am ready to; worry about

64. will be free the day after tomorrow 65. far away from here One possible version:

I enjoy living in Morning Sun Garden

I live in Morning Sun Garden. It is really cool to live here.www

About 5,000 people live in the community. Most of them are kind and helpful. Around the neighbourhood, there are many places for fun. I like the park and the shopping mall best. There are many restaurants in the shopping mall. I also like the Helping Hands Club. We have Helping Hands meetings on weekends. People can help each other with their problems then. Life here is always full of fun!

Unit 3 单元测试

一,1-5cccad,6-10bdaab11-15ddaca 二,1-5bbcdb6-10cdabb 三,ABDBC

四,pizza exchange invite fresh underground western local teach famous drives to take to buy swimming doesnt rain to speak to get to go walking to spend To do

1,fly 2,to have 3,is doing exercise 4,watches 5,to work out 6,reading 7,clean/to clean 8 to visit 9,chatting with 10,dont play

1, __how ______ __long_2how many floors have3,is not anything4,takes to ride5,any either 八、walk there do not like walk there visit me will come to Beijing to do and see will take her Works as a wonderful place

九,1, over 2,460 years.2,83, the Confucius Temple4, walking around the Zhongshan Mausoleum Is very comfortable 5you are always welcome to our city

7B Unit4 Finding your way单元测试卷 (A)

. 1-5 ABABC 6-10ACDDC 11-15ACBCB

. 1. C 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. B 6. C 7. C 8. B 9. A 10. C . BDBAB DA ACC BADCA

. 1. across 2. Cross 3. corner 4. turning 5. paths 6. quite 7. north 8. jumping 9. dangerous 10. treasure

