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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《中考英语解题策略阅读理解》,欢迎阅读!

A. change into B. used to be

C. became D. developed from

4. Which is NOT the reason why the city gets lower and lower? A. The higher temperature B. Overused underground water C. Too many waterways D. The rising seawater 5. The passage is mainly about _______ Venice. 【题技巧】


1. A细节理解题.由文中第一段的第一句"Venice is in the northeast of Italy.”可知答案.

2. B细节理解题.由第二段第二句“The waterways have always been the best way to get around”可知答案.

3. D 细节理解题.由文中的“Venice grew out of small islands in salt water lakes when some Italians escaped from a war 1500 years ago. and built homes there.

4. C细节理解题.根据文中的信息people used too much underground water. Another problem is the rising seawater, the temperature has risen over the years可知答案.

5.C主旨大意题.本文前半部分介绍了威尼斯的特色:出行靠船或桥; 后半部分介绍了威尼斯面临的问题:位置越来越低.因此答案选C.


There are about 5,000 different kinds of ladybugs in the world. in many different colors. Their bright colors warn other animals or insects not to eat them. Ladybugs taste bad. A bird or a frog that eats a ladybug will remember the bright colors and it will not eat another ladybug with the same colors again. When ladybugs are in danger, they will give out a fluid(液体) that tastes terrible.

In many culturesthe ladybug is considered to be a symbol of good luck. Most ladybugs are kind to humans. They eat other insects which destroy crops. One ladybug can eat up to 5,000 insects in its lifetime.

Ladybugs have si_ short legs. They live in many different placesincluding green landsforestscities, the countryside and along rivers. Different ladybugs have different spots().Some of them don't have spots at North America is the 7- spotted ladybug. The 7-spotted ladybugs are the most active from spring to autumn. When the weather turns coldthey look for a warm place to sleep, such as under stones or in houses.

根据短文内容,判断下列句子是否正确,对的涂 (A),错的涂(B)

1 .Ladybugs can give out a terrible fluid to protect themselves. 2. In many cultures ladybugs are believed to bring good luck. 3. Most of the ladybugs are harmful to crops. 4. Ladybugs live in many places e_cept cities.

5. Winter is the best time for 7-spotted ladybugs to go out for food. 【解题技巧】


1. A细节理解题.根据第一段最后一句“When ladybugs are in danger, they will give

out a fluid(液体) that tastes terrible.”可知:甄虫散发出难闻的液体是为了保护自己,本句正确.

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2.‘A细节理解题.根据第二段中的In many cultures, the ladybug is considered to be a symbol of

good luck.’可知本句正确.

3.B细节理解题.根据第二段中的“Most ladybugs are kind to humans. They eat other insects which destroy crops.“可知本句错误-

4. B细节理解题.根据第三段中的They live in many different places, including green landsforestscities, the countryside and along rivers.”可知包括城市.故本句错误. 5.B细节理解题.根据第三段中的‘"When the weather turns cold, they look for a warm place to sleep , such as under stones or in houses.’可知,冬天它们去睡觉,而不是出去寻找食物,故本句错误.


Spain in order to improve his Spanish. When he was speaking to people face to face, he had no difficulty understanding what they said. However, when he was speaking on the phone, he still had a problem. Andy called the airline. And the clerk confirmed that his plane was leaving at nine o'clock three days from that day. She also told Andy to be at the airport two hours earlier in order to check in his luggage and get a seat.

Since he was leaving in three days, Andy didn't lose any time. He visited many places as he could. HeSpain.

Too quickly, the final day arrived. Andy left early for the airport to arrive two hours before take-off. He hated to rush. He went to the clerk to show his ticket. The clerk looked at the ticket in surprise.“Why, sir, but your flight was at nine o'clock in the morning, and it is eight in the evening. "

"But I confirmed my flight," insisted Andy. "Will I have to pay for another ticket?"

"No, Sir. However, the ne_t flight out will be three days from now.”

Andy ___2____ of shock turned to pleasure as he realized that now he could continue his vacation.

任务一:请根据短文内容.分别写出①、②处所缺单词.(每空限城一词) 1.__________ _________

任务二:根据短文内容补全句子.(每空一词) 2.(A) He Visited as many places as________.

(B) From the passage we know Andy could ________ his holiday. 任务三:请把上文中画线的句子翻译成汉语. 3.________________________________

4. Why did the clerk tell Andy to be at the airport a little earlier? _______________________________________

5.How long was Andy late for the plane that day? _________________________________________ 【解题技巧】


Andy's _______ of shock turned to pleasure as he realized that now he could continue his vacation."(安迪的____由震惊变得高兴.因为他意识到他可以继续他的旅程.)我们可以推测句子需要的意思应该是安迪的表情,所以填look/ e_pression,

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