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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《初中英语国庆手抄报文章》,欢迎阅读!



The National Day

The National Day is the most important and the grandest festival in China. It is on October 1st. This year, I had a wonderful celebration with my family and friends.

On the morning of October 1st, I got up early and saw the bright sunshine outside the window. I felt a sense of joy and pride. I knew that today was a special day, our country's birthday.

My parents and I went to the park to see the National Day military parade. We saw the flags and banners flying in the wind, and the soldiers marching in formation, their faces full of determination and courage. I felt a sense of awe and respect for them. They are the guardians of our country, and they are willing to sacrifice their own lives to protect us.

In the afternoon, I went to visit my grandparents and had a delicious meal with them. We talked about the changes in our country and the development of our society. I am proud to be a Chinese citizen, and I am looking forward to the future development of our country.

In the evening, my friends and I gathered in the square to watch the fireworks display. The sky was filled with colorful fireworks, and we were all cheering and applauding. This is a moment that I will never forget.

On this National Day, I feel a sense of pride and happiness. I am proud of our country's achievements, and I am happy to be a part of this great nation. I wish our country a better future, and I will work hard to contribute to its development.

