
2022-09-05 07:07:18   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《唯美经典英语短诗精选》,欢迎阅读!


【篇一】唯美经典英语短诗精选 秋风熄灭了一盏灯

Autumn Wind Blows Off A Lamp's Light A poem by JingQin /Tr. by Lily He's never cried

And already let the dark night Slip off a paper white For many times

The autumn wind instantly blows off The light of a lamp

While my heart is still barren And lit with a shame By the name of faintness From those verses Release

The souls of the dead

【篇二】唯美经典英语短诗精选 我怕背叛,但我更怕真情 我怕背叛,但我更怕真情

I Fear True Love More Than Betrayal 典裘沽酒

by Dianqiu Gujiu

我怕背叛,但我更怕真情背叛仅仅一把刀子 它能杀死一头猪


I fear betrayal yet I more fear true love betrayal is just a knife that can kill a pig and at most can only cut one of my arms 我怕背叛,但我 更怕真情

因为真情是一个陷井 能陷进一头猛兽 也能陷进我的全部

I fear betrayal yet I more fear true love for true love is a trap that can trap a beast and can still trap everything of my life 【篇三】唯美经典英语短诗精选 The Schoolfellow

Our game was his but yesteryear; We wished him back; we could not know

The self-same hour we missed him here He led the line that broke the foe. Blood-red behind our guarded posts Sank as of old and dying day;

The battle ceased; the mingled hosts Weary and cheery went their way "To-morrow well may bring" we said "As fair a fight as clear a sun." Dear Lad before the world was sped For evermore thy goal was won.

