
2023-01-02 19:11:20   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《call搭配—学案版》,欢迎阅读!



1. call sb names

2. call a meeting 召开会议

3. call it a dayfeel called to do sth 责任做某事

4. call on sbcall in at sp.

call into sp.

5. call attention to 引起注意

6. call at all stations

7. call back 回电 8. call by 9. call for

10. call forth //激起call in召来/

调来 call in on sb

call in at sp.

11. call offcall on/upon sb to do call on/upon sb

12. call out to sb对某人大声呼喊 call

sb out to do要求某人去做某 call sb out号召某人罢工

13. call sb upcall up information/the website 上网(调取信息) call sb up应征入伍 call sth up唤来某物

2. there is no call for sth


1. on call 2. the call of a bird

3. make/pay a call on sb 4. make a callIt your call. 5. answer/take a call 接听 6. the call of nature.call常考句型 1. there isn' t much call for sth

e.g. There isn' t much call for televisions these days.

There is no call for that language!



1. incoming calls打进的 2. outgoing calls 拨出的 3. an emergency call

4. an anonymous call

5. call box=a phone boxcall center 中心

6. caller 来电者 7. caller display/ID

