
2023-03-16 20:08:29   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《100字英语故事带翻译:胆小的狮子》,欢迎阅读!


This is a big, strong lion, but very timid. A leaf fell on his head, waited a long time will be scared heart fluttered.

On one occasion, he met a tiger, scared desperately to escape. Escape ah, ah fled, the lion’s body even smaller, only become so big leopard.

Then he met a leopard, and scared turned and fled. Escape, ah, ah escape, he became only the cat so big.

Lion met a cat, too scared turned and fled. Escape, ah, ah fled, the lion became as small as a mouse.

Like a mouse little mouse met a lion, they looked at each other, were terrified. Unwittingly, they both go in the same direction.

Ran a long way, they came to a halt. “Ha ha ha!” I was amused by his own cowardice.

The Lion and the Mouse became good friends. What a movement, to run away together. He went to a safe place, just holding each other comfort each other: “Well, well, do not be afraid, do not be afraid.”

On one occasion, the lion nap, I heard mice in shouting: “!! Help me Help me” So, there is a wild cat chasing mice.

Lion jumped up and rushed to the Wildcats, shouted: “No bullied mice!” Paozhaopaozhe lion’s body gets bigger, while as big as the Wildcats.

Wildcats escaped. At this time, the distance a deer shouting: “!! Ah, tigers Help me, Help me,” mice frightened, said: “We run away now ......”

Suddenly, the lion tiger rushed past: “Do not bully deer!” Paozhaopaozhe lion getting bigger and bigger, and soon afterwards became larger than the tiger, it is

powerful and strong.

Deer said: “Thank you for saving my life you really brave!!” Lion thought: “??? You how brave I am brave I feel it is very timid.”

Mice lion said: “Together, I’m not afraid.” The lion mice, said:. “With you, I’m not afraid.”

Suddenly, a leaf fall, it scared the lion and the mouse escaped together. Escape, ah, ah fled, the lion and smaller. It’s strange that he is such a big suddenly becomes suddenly smaller lion. ---------------

“Brave” to make the lion become extremely large, “timid” allows Lion shrink so small like a little mouse. You know, strong heart is very important, as long as the strong heart, and we will become very powerful.




狮子遇见一只猫,也吓得转身就逃。逃啊,逃啊,狮子变得像老鼠一样小了。 像老鼠一样小的狮子遇见了一只小白鼠,他们互相看了一眼,都吓坏了。糊里糊涂地,他俩都朝同一个方向跑去。

跑了好长一段路,他们才停下来。哈哈哈!他俩都被自己的胆小逗乐了。 狮子和小白鼠成了好朋友。一有什么动静,就一起逃跑。跑到安全的地方,就抱在一起互相安慰:好了,好了,别怕,别怕。

