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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《do的省略句》,欢迎阅读!

A Teaching Plan unit 17

Date: Apr 5,2004

Students: Class 6, Senior 1

Content: Unit 17 Great Women

Reading: Alone in Antarctica Period: the Third Period

Teaching Aims and Demands:

1.Read about the great woman Helen Thayer. 2.Train the students’ abilities of reading.

3.Let the students know what is needed to be a successful man, especially a successful woman.

Teaching Aids: computer, recorder, tape Type: New Lesson Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Lead-in: Talk about Antarctica

1.What’s the weather like in Antarctica? 2.Which animals live on the South Pole? 3.Which animals live on the North Pole? 4.Why do polar bears never eat penguins? Step 2 Reading: Alone in Antarctica .Presentation

.Introduction: Helen Thayer

1.Question: What does this show us about Helen Thayer’s character? 2.Give some examples of great women. .Scanning & Listening

Listen to the process of Helen Thayer’s journey to Antarctica, Fill in the blanks.

Time Weather What happened to her Nov 1-2,1997 fine, icy but not strong wind began her 400-mile journey Nov 3rd-11th Nov 12th Nov13th-21st


Nov 22nd .Reading Comprehension

1.What decision did Helen make after she had a bad accident? Did she continue to travel or give up?

2.Do you think Thayer’s trip was a failure? 3.Which things did she take into consideration? Step 3 Language Points

1.What else, but a journey at the opposite end of the world, Antarctica. What elseWhat else would I do的省略句

else: adj.其他的”,不作前置定语,只能用在疑问词或不定代词之后。 2.But changes were just around the corner. around the corner: 即将来临

3.On the third day I was struggling through stormy weather. a.struggle through: 挣扎着度过(难关)

b.struggle against: 同…作斗争(接斗争对象) c.struggle for: 为…努力,斗争(接斗争目标) d.struggle to one’s feet: 挣扎着站起来 4.On November 12th the storm died down.

a. die down: (火、光、暴风雨、兴奋)减弱、渐息;(声音)静下来 b. die out: 灭绝;(灯、火等)熄灭;(风俗习惯等)消失,消灭 5.I sang “happy birthday to me” at the top of my voice. at the top of one’s voice: 高声喊叫,使劲喊叫

6.A few days later, I was moving forward over a slope that seemed safe when suddenly without warning my world dropped out from under my skis.(translation)

7.I was in good health and all of my equipment was working well. be in good health: 身体状况良好 be in bad\poor health: 身体状况不好

8.It is an experience I shall never forget and shall value for the rest of my life.

value: 珍视,重视;估价

9. I did so without regret. regret:遗憾;悔恨;抱歉 a.regret+n.

b.regret+doing(对做过的事感到遗憾或后悔) c.regret+to do(很遗憾地去做某事)


Step 4 Free Talk

Who do you admire, pop singers, film stars or Helen Thayer? Why? Who are the real heroes of our times? What really makes men and women great? What can you learn from Helen Thayer?

Does she encourage you to achieve your goals in life? Homework

1.Read the passage again. Consolidate the language points. 2.Finish Post-reading exercises 3.Preview Language Study.


