国家扶贫日 National Poverty Relief Day

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国家扶贫日 National Poverty Relief Day

Ninety-five percent of the country's poor population will escape poverty by the end of the year, China's top poverty relief office said on Friday in the run-up to the sixth National Poverty Relief Day on Oct 17.


Efforts should be made to work out detailed and concrete measures, target genuinely poor households, and prevent the reoccurrence of poverty to those who had been lifted out. 要制定详细具体的措施,针对真正贫困的家庭,防止已脱贫人口返贫。

We need perseverance in the fight against poverty as there are only two years left for the country to meet its goal of eradicating extreme poverty by 2020. There should be no retreat until a complete victory is won.


eradicate [iˈrædikeit] v.

To eradicate something means to get rid of it completely. They are already battling to eradicate illnesses such as malaria and tetanus.


If tedious tasks could be eradicated, the world would be a much better place.



精准扶贫 targeted poverty alleviation 脱贫摘帽 lifted out of poverty

贫困线 poverty threshold/poverty line/poverty limit

