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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《after的反义词》,欢迎阅读!


after behind用来表地点时,前者强调的是顺序的先后,而后者侧重方向和位置的前后关系。

请比较:The student sat after me.那个学生坐在我后面。 (我坐在他前面)

The student sat behind me.那学生坐在我背后。


试比较:Who ruled after James I?詹姆斯一世之后是谁统治的?You are forty minutes behind schat the back of 这个前置词短语既可指具体的位置的先后,又可用于指抽象的概念。

after的例句1. No matter where you go in life or how old you get, there's always something new to learn about. After all, life is full of surprises.不管你生活在哪里,你有多少岁,总有新东西要学习,毕竟,生活总是充满惊喜。

2. He was fired from his job after roughing up a colleague.

5. The ballot was re-run on Mr Todd's insistence after accusations of malpractice.因被控舞弊,在托德先生的坚持下重新进行了投票。 6. He does deserve some good luck after so much wretchedness.经过这么多苦难之后,他应该行点好运了。

7. After sixteen years of marriage they have grown bored with each


8. After years of neglect and decline the city was cleaning itself up.年的玩忽职守和经济萧条过后,这个城市在进行自我整顿。

9. After his elevation to the papacy, he reigned for two years.他升任教皇后在位两年。

10. She dropped out after 20 kilometres with stomach trouble.20里后她因胃痛而退出了比赛。

11. They were spotted after three hours adrift in a dinghy.他们在小舢板上漂浮了3个小时后才被发现。

12. These chaps know their stuff after seven years of war.7年的战争过后,这些家伙都成了作战行家。

13. After the pain of defeat passes, England have some thinking to do.失败的痛苦过去以后,英国人应该认真反思一下。

14. Hopefully, you won't have any problems after reading this.希望你读完这个后就不会有任何问题了。

15. She travelled to India after taking her A levels.

17. This show, too, was virtually sold out before it opened.这场演出的门票也是几乎在开演前就销售一空了。

18. Try these toning exercises before you start the day.在开始一天的活动之前,试着做做这些强身健体的体操。

19. Be particularly fastidious about washing your hands before

touching food.接触食物前尤其对洗手不能有半点马虎。

20. He's pissed. Let's get out of his way before he starts spewing.他很恼火。


21. Her husband had never before had any heart trouble.她丈夫以前从来没得过任何心脏疾病。

22. Some girls may first ovulate even before they menstruate.一些女孩的第一次排卵甚至可能出现在初潮之前。

2313. They were anxious to bring the washing in before it rained.他们急于在下雨前把洗好的衣服收进屋子。

24. I lived there once myself, before I got married.我结婚前曾独自在那儿住过。

25. Vacuum-packed ham slices should be unwrapped 30 minutes before serving.真空包装的火腿片应在食用前30分钟把包装除去。 猜你喜欢:1.after同义词2.关于after的用法3.always的反义词4.after的反义词和例句5.all的反义词6.blunt的反义词

