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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《英语六年级B卷(答案)》,欢迎阅读!

临沂市小学英语读写能力调查问卷B-六上 参考答案 2018.12

一、Read the map, choose and fill in the blanks.读图片信息,选词填空,每词用一次。(共5分)

museum hospitals in front of next to behind

This is a beautiful city. In the middle of the city there is a park. There are two _________ in the city. One is __________ the park and the other is ____________ the post office. Near the park there is a bookstore. And

________________________the bookstore there is a library. There is a

_______________next to the cinema. There is a robot show there now. It must be a wonderful show.

二、Read and judge. 读短文,判断对(T)错(F)。(共10分)

I’m Wu Yifan. I study in Fang Cao Primary School. I like reading English books. I often go to English Club on weekends. My mother is a nurse in the Childrens Hospital. She often goes running on weekends. She likes listening to music when she is running. My father is a doctor. They work in the same hospital. He often rides bikes on weekends. ( ) Wu Yifan likes reading books.

( ) Wu Yifan often goes to Chinese Club on weekends. ( ) Wu Yifan’s mother is a doctor.

( ) Wu Yifan’s mother likes running and listening to music. ( ) Wu Yifan’s father often goes hiking on weekends.

三、Read and choose.根据短文内容,将正确的答案标号写入括号中。(共10分)

Jim’s dad is a businessman in a big company. He often goes to other cities and visits many people. He also has many meetings from Monday to Friday. He is very busy in the


His dad is also busy at home. At weekends, he cooks dinner. He likes cooking very much. Sometimes, he cooks Italian food. He makes pizza and vegetable salad. Sometimes, he makes fish and chips. It is a kind of British food. Sometimes, he makes Chinese food. Jim likes to eat noodles and dumplings. Jim and his mum will help him. They wash the vegetables and do the dishes.

Jim’s dad enjoys his hobby. He likes to cook for the family. He is a weekend cook. Where does Jim’s father work?

A. In a company. B. In a bank. C. In a cinema. Jim’s father is _____________ .

A. a doctor B. an actor C. a businessman What’s Jim’s father’s hobby?

A. Cooking. B. Making kites. C. Listening to music. Jim is a _____ boy.

A. quiet B. helpful C. active The word “cookmeans______.

A. 烹调 B. 厨师 C.

四、Read, think and write. 根据上下文填空。(10) 1. Slow down and stop at a __________ light. 2. Stop and wait at a_______________ light. 3. Go at a _______________________light.

4. In the USA, people on _________ must wear a helmet. 5. We must wear a life jacket and don’t run on the ___________.

6. In the UK, people drive on the _______________side. In China, people drive on the __________side.

7. I usually get to USA from China by ________. It will take me 11 hours. 8. My father makes cars in a car factory. He is a ____________________. 9. My uncle works in a post office. He sends letters every day. He is a ________________.

五、Read and choose.根据对话内容填空,每空一词。(共10分)

Oliver: Sarah, today is Parents’ Day.

Sarah: Yes. My mother is coming, but my father is too busy. Oliver: I see. What does your father do?

Sarah: My father is a doctor. Is your father here today, Oliver? Oliver: No. He’s in Australia.

Sarah: What does he do?

Oliver: He is a businessman. He often goes to other countries. Sarah: And what does your mother do? Oliver: She is a head teacher in a university. Sarah: That nice.

Oliver: Yeah. She’ll be here today.

Sarah: Do you want to be a head teacher, too?

Oliver: No, I want to be a businessman and run a big company. Thats my dream. Today is Parents’ Day. Many fathers and mothers will come to school.

Sarah’s _______________ is coming, but her father will not come. He has work to do. He is a________________ in a hospital.

Oliver’s _____________ is not here too. He is in Australia. He is a ______________. He often goes to other countries. Oliver’s __________ will come to school. She is a _________ ______________ in a university. Oliver does not want to be a _________ ______________ like his mother. He wants to be a _______________ like his father.

六、Read and fill in the blanks.读下列对话,根据对话内容填空。(共10分)

Wu Yifan: These robots are so cool. I love this museum.

Robin: Me too. Don’t forget to buy some gifts for Grandpa.

Wu Yifan: I want to buy a postcard for him. Where is the museum shop? Robin: It’s near the door.

Wu Yifan: Thanks. I want to send it today. Where is the post office? Robin: I don’t know. I’ll ask. Excuse me, sir. Man: Wow! A talking robot! What a great museum! Robin: Thank you. But where is the post office?

Man: It’s next to the museum. Go out of the door and you will find it on your left. Robin: Thanks.

Wu Yifan wants to buy a ____________ in the _______ ________. The museum shop is ____________ the door.

Wu Yifan wants to send a __________ in the ________ _______. The post office is __________ _______the museum. The man is surprised. Robin is a __________robot!

七、Read and fill in the blanks.根据对话内容完成下列句子(共10分) Zhang Peng: Hi, Oliver, I have a new pen pal.

Oliver: Really? What’s his name? Zhang Peng: His name is Peter.

Oliver: Where does he live?

Zhang Peng: He lives on a farm in Australia.

Oliver: What are Peter’s hobbies?

Zhang Peng: He likes reading stories. So sometimes he reads to the cows!

Oliver: That ’s interesting.

Zhang Peng: He likes doing kung fu and swimming.

Oliver: Really? Me too. Zhang Peng: He also likes singing.

Oliver: Oh, you also like singing, too!

Zhang Peng: Yes, I’m going to teach him the Chinese song “Jasmine Flower”!

Oliver: Good idea! I like doing kung fu and swimming. Can I also be his pen pal? I want to talk about the Chinese kung fu with him! Zhang Peng: Sure. Why not?

Oliver: Cool!

Peter is ____________’s new pen pal. Peter lives on a _________in ______________. He likes_______________, _______________, _________________ and ___________________.

Zhang Peng likes________________. He can sing the Chinese song ”Jasmine Flower” very well. He wants to teach Peter this song.

Oliver likes __________________________ and _______________. He wants to be Peter’s pen pal too.

八、Read and finish the chart.根据对话内容,完成表格中的信息,每空一词。(共10分)Mike: Good morning, Mrs. Smith!

Mrs. Smith: Hi, children. You’re early. How do you come to school?

Mike: I often come by bike.

Amy: Usually, I come on foot. Sometimes I come by bus. Mike: How do you come to school, Mrs. Smith? By car? Mrs. Smith: Sometimes, but I usually walk.

Mike: That’s good exercise. Name Ways to come to school

Mike Often _______ ___________.


Usually _______ ________. Sometimes ______ _______.

