
2022-04-14 16:07:32   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《英语日记带翻译最有趣的一件事》,欢迎阅读!




One day, the teacher took a piece of paper with the face of a bear painted on it. The face of little bear is round, and the eyes of little bear are smart, but there is no nose. Just as we were thinking about what the teacher wanted to do, the teacher said, “today we are going to do a game of” sticking the nose. “


The teacher took out a magnet nose and said, “who can stick this nose to the bear nose? I thought,” isn’t it just a nose? How easy it is! “The students raised their hands high and said,” I come! I come! “. Just as the students were scrambling to stick their noses, the teacher said again, “let’s be quiet! I haven’t finished what I’ve said!” all of a sudden, everyone became quiet. “The rule of the game is to cover your eyes.” After hearing this, some students put their hands down. The teacher thought about it and asked Jia Hanxiong to post it. 按照老师的要求,贾瀚雄站在教室的最后面,蒙住眼睛,然后小心翼翼地扶着墙,一步一步地向前蹭着。他最有摸到了小熊的脸,他摸了一阵子,然后犹豫着把鼻子贴到了小熊的脸上。同学们有的喊“往有一点!”,有的喊“往左一点!”。老师说:“大家不要喊,让他自己来贴”,教室里顿时鸦雀无声,老师问“贾瀚雄,你贴好了吗?”贾瀚雄点了点头。老师让贾瀚雄摘下蒙住眼睛的红领巾,他自己睁眼一看,也禁不住笑了他把小熊的鼻子贴到了小熊的眼睛上了。 According to the teacher’s request, Jia Hanxiong stood at the back of the classroom, covered his eyes, then held the wall carefully and rubbed forward step by step. He touched bear’s face most, he touched it for a while, and then hesitated to stick his nose to bear’s face. Some of the students shouted “a little bit!” and some shouted “a little bit to the left!”.

The teacher said, “don’t shout, let him paste it himself.” there was no sound in the classroom. The teacher asked, “Jia Hanxiong, have you pasted it?” Jia Hanxiong nodded. The teacher asked Jia Hanxiong to take off the red scarf covering his eyes. He opened his eyes and couldn’t help laughing - he put the bear’s nose on his eyes.


Later, the teacher asked several students to post, but none of them were in the post. Until the bell rang, we were reluctant to leave the classroom, this class is really interesting!

