
2022-09-19 09:01:20   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《英语作文》,欢迎阅读!

I love machine

When it comes to activities, some people enjoy surrounding by people, but others prefer interactions with machines. However, people who chose machine always enduring an injustice criticism. During the past ten years, the strong dissenting voice tried to make the addicting with electronic products the same as first-degree murder. Which is too extreme. From my perspective, machine makes things simple and helpful, providing more possibility and equality to especial female. Particularly the foreseeable future which it depicts, make us cant bare to part with machines.

Living with machines, our lives become more advantageous than each passing days. What wakes us up every morning? Where we purchase without work out? What informs us the news we like to know? Just before ten years, no one would believe that we can get any products around the world within a click, which is a plain truth nowadays. Various applications provide us countless possibilities, drawing, singing or exercising, it will supply whatever we need. Teachers will say that again, You will never grow if you substitute machines for people. But if we were changed by the world, who else is going to change the world?

The conducive for every aspect in daily life is all the users concerned. While for the people who study on machine or related causes, they care most is that the opportunities in our career it will bring.

Having to admit, the existence of machine cause the physical gap is less restrictive. In other words, it provides more possibilities for female to develop. The physical disparity in men and women used to be a restriction. Never the less, for work with machine which use brain more than body, plain girls can gain more attention. A good case in point is Meg Whitman who used to be the CEO of eBay. As a consequence of developing so fast in pretty short of time, the huge eager of people and the subsequent jobs is promoting us a brighter future.

As we can see from now, the machines play an influential part in both our life and work. Moreover, the foremost position it will occupy in the near future.

In the inevitable future, machine certainly will share a close relationship with humans.On the one hand, machine has infiltrated heretofore in every aspect of our life. As for now, being familiar with machines is a fundamental skill for people of all ages, people who rebuff to learn always been stamped out soon. On the other hand, the tendency of technology developing can not be reversed. The world if fulfilled by problems, while the technology is the way which must be passed to solve them, in which, machines developing plays a significant role.

Activities with human are essential, sharing our feeling and wishing for bosom friend, learning from senior and passing to the junior which is all the nature of human.

However, as introverted as I am, maybe activities with machines are more suitable. Considering how convenient it is, as well as the equality along with possibilities it represents, using the most simple way to interact with machines are more fitting people who likely to be more reclusive.

