
2022-04-15 07:06:52   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《关于舍己为人的英语作文300字带翻译》,欢迎阅读!



In one PE class, the PE teacher told us to run a fierce relay race, and the team at the bottom of each race should be punished once. Although our team didnt do well in the first two runs, they didnt come to the bottom. Because I watched the first team, who was the bottom two times, punished, so I was afraid that our team would also be punished, so I tried to improve my speed. Ive come up with a way: take off your shoes! Because our team always said that I lost my shoes and wasted my time. If I took off my shoes, wouldnt it? 我抱着试试看的心理,把鞋子脱掉了。当轮到我的时候,我飞一般的跑出去,脚被脚下的塑胶铺的跑道弄得好疼好疼的。我忍痛继续跑。我在跑步的时候,我感觉一秒等于一小时!好不容易跑完了,我又穿好鞋子,为正在跑步的队员加油。

I took off my shoes with the psychology of trying. When its my turn, I fly out, my feet are hurt by the plastic track under my feet. I went on running in pain. When I am running, I feel that one second equals one hour! Finally, I put on my shoes and cheer for the running team.


After the event, the PE teacher praised me and said that I took off my shoes to run for my teams impunity. This spirit is worth learning!

当时有好多同学都笑我傻,还扔我脱下的鞋子做乐。尤其是刘致远,玩得最凶。在表扬我的时候,还笑我。体育老师见状,便说:有本事你自己脱掉鞋子去跑!刘致远立刻不吭声了。 At that time, many students laughed at my foolishness and threw off my shoes for fun. Liu Zhiyuan, in particular, played the most ferociously. Laugh at me when you praise me. When the PE teacher saw this, he said, “you have the ability to take off your shoes and run!” Liu Zhiyuan was silent at once.


It makes me feel that sometimes if I let myself pay a little more and everyone pay a little less, this kind of thing is worth doing!

