六年级英语 小升初每日一练(32)(无答案) 闽教版

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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《六年级英语 小升初每日一练(32)(无答案) 闽教版》,欢迎阅读!



1.–You’re not free now, are you? ----_____. I have some work to do. A.Yes, I am. B. No, I am.

C. Yes, I am not. D. No, I’m not.

2.---Which of these two pairs of shoes will you take? ---I’ll take ____ to give me a change sometimes. A.neither B.all C.both D.either

3. We hear that one of those American students ____ going to come to our classes next term. A.will be B.are C.is D.was

4. ---______?

--- Sorry, I’m not sure, either. A.How do you do? B.Can you help me?

C.Could you please tell me how to pronounce this word? D.Can you lend me a map?

5.Harry said that he _____ to American before. A.has been B.had been C.had gone D.would go

二、阅读文章回答问题 Do you sometimes forget birthdays or important appointments (约会)? Don’t worry! Now you can get help from your computer. There is a new service on the Internet called on-line calendars. You start by typing in a list of important dates that you want to remember, like the birthdays of your family and friends. Later, you can add other appointments and plans to your list. The on-line calendar will send you an e-mail message to remind (提醒) you about your mother’s birthdays or your friend’s


graduation day. If you don’t have time to go shopping, the on-line calendar lets you order presents (such as flowers or a book) and pay for them by sending your credit card number. The on-line calendar also makes a list of your appointments and e-mails it to you every morning. This service is very convenient (方便) and easy to use, but you must remember to check your e-mail every day!

1. What’s the name of the new service on the Internet?

2. What’s the first step for you to do if you want to enjoy the service? 3. How does the service remind you of the important dates? 4. What is not convenient for you to enjoy the service?




二、听课: 听老师讲课是获取知识的最佳捷径,老师传授的是经过历史验证的真理;是老师长期学习和教学实践的精华。提高课堂效率是尤为重要:



3、认真观察、积极思考:不要做一个被动的信息接受者,要充分调动自己的积极性,紧跟老师讲课的思路,会取得的学习效果好。 4、充分理解、掌握方法。





