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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《外研社英语九年级上知识点整理》,欢迎阅读!


Module3 Heroes

Unit1 She trained hard, so she became a great player later.

1.choose- chose-chosen v.

choose sb. sth.= choose sth.for sb. choose to do sth. choice n.

It’s the best choice to do sth.

2.one of the +形容词的最高级 +可数名词的复数 one of the best table tennis players one of the most famous heroes

3. love to do sth. 反义词组 hate to do sth. love doing sth. 反义词组 hate doing sth. show love to sb. 4.tell sb. about sth.

tell sb. (not) to do sth.

tell a story/lie讲故事、撒谎 tell jokes 讲笑话

tell the truth 说真话,说实话 5.start/begin to do sth. start/begin doing sth. finish doing sth.

start/begin with作为开始 end with 作为结束 6. train hard 7. include vt.

including prep.

(1)The subjects we learn at school include Chinese, math, English and so on.

(2)We learn many subjects, including Chinese, math, English and so on.

8. gold/silver/bronze/copper medals 金牌、铜牌、银牌


The main thing is to attend to the injured. 首要任务是照顾伤者。

attendance n. 出席,参加;出席率;出席者, attendant n. 服务人员,侍者;随从,随员;伴随物 12.abroad adv. 到国外,在海外;广为流传地

adj. 往国外的 n. 海外,异国

people from home and abroad 国内外人士 go/be abroad study abroad Have you ever been abroad?

Hes not here. He s gone abroad. 13.enough +n. to do sth. (adj.)

adj./adv. enough to do sth. (adv.)

eg:I don’t have enough time to complete the task. She is old enough to earn money. 14. once again 再一次 again and again再三

15.degree n.;学位; 度数;程度; doctors degree博士学位

The lowest temperature today is twenty degrees. To some degree,(在某种程度上)I agree with you. 16. Whatever she does, she never gives up. = No matter what she does, . 疑问词+ever 无论

Whatever he says, dont believe him. Hes a liar. Wherever I go, my cute dog follows me. Whenever you are in trouble, let me know. give up 后面可不接宾语

give up sth.=give sth. up ( the chance/hope) (代词宾格只能放中间)give it/them/her up give up doing sth.= stop doing sth.

My father has given up smoking in order to stay healthy.

17. She has a strong will although she isnt cleverer than anyone else.

This ipad belongs to someone else. Where there is a will, there is a way. will aux.(助动词) 将会; 愿意 n.意志,决心;遗嘱

willing adj. 愿意的 反义词 unwilling be willing to do sth.

18. as well as 不仅.而且强调的是前面的内容 He can speak Spanish as well as English 他不但会说英语,而且会讲西班牙语。

A as well as B做主语时,谓语动词的单复数由A决定 Mother as well as the twins is going to the theatre

9. in the Olympics

=at the Olympic Games

10. stop doing sth.停止做某事 stop to do sth停下来做某事 at the bus stop

come to a stop 停下来

Suddenly, the truck came to a stop on the way. 11. attend

vt. (); 出席, 参加(事件或活动)

attend university/college/school/church

attend a wedding(婚礼)/meeting/funeral(葬礼) vi.处理,料理(事情);照顾,护理(受伤的人) They are sure to attend to your needs.



this afternoon.

19.help (to) do sth.帮助做某事

help sb. do sth.= help sb. with sth.

helpful adj. 有帮助的 helpless adj.无助的 20.make +名词(短语)

make a victory/ a hero/ our monitor

使获胜;使成为英雄;使成为我们的班长 make sb. do sth. make adj.

make me strong/sad/happy/upset(沮丧的) make our classroom tidy and beautiful 21.simple adj. simply adv.

Its a simple math problem.

He leads a simple life.他过着一种简朴的生活。 Shes simply a true hero.

Unit2 There were few doctors, so he had to work very hard on his own.. 1. die for 而死

区分die ofdie from

die of 意为 ……而死”(原因多来自内部如情感、冻饿), grief(),hunger(饿),anger(生气), cold, illness/sickness, old age, a fever, heat, heart trouble, cancer,tiredness等名词。

die from 意为由于……而死”(外因) (原因常来自外部创伤、交通事故), 其后常跟wound, accident, over work, carelessness, drinking, an earthquake, a lightning(雷击)等名词。

die v. died-died dying 现在分词 adj.垂死的,奄奄一息的 dead adj. death n. 他的狗死了。

His dog is dead./ His dog has died. 他的狗去年死的。 His dog died last year. 他的狗已经死了一年了。

His dog has been dead for a year. 狗的死亡让他很伤心。

His dog’s death made him mad. 2.treat vt.对待;治疗

The old people feel lonely, so they treat the pets as their own children.

Her stepmother treated her badly.

He went to Spain to treat the wounded soldiers. treatment n. U】治疗;对待,待遇【C】治疗方案

We don't want any special treatment. 我们不想要任何特殊待遇。

Many new medical books will be published so that doctors can learn about new treatments. The

3. realize/realize vt.意识到

Day by day, he realised the importance of taking exercise every day.

4. new ways of doing sth. =new ways to do sth.

5. take care of= look after=care for照顾,照看 6.the+形容词 表示一类人,做主语时谓语动词用复数 the sick= the wounded

the poor 反义词组 the rich the old 反义词组 the young the English 英国人 7.invent v. invention n. inventor n.

8. a set of tools 一套工具 9. the fighting areas 战场 training courses培训课程 10.save ones life (pl. lives) 11.on ones own= by oneself

12.without doing 介词后面用动名词 13.manage to do sth.

14. do an operation on sb.=operate on sb. 15. continue v. continue sth.

continue to do sth./ continue doing sth. The rain continued all day.

We decided to continue our long journey.

Are you going to continue to do / doing your work? 16. in the end=at last=finally

17. be remembered/celebrated 被动语态 Unit3 Language in use

1. set off=set out=start动身,出发,启程 2. take off 脱下;起飞

3. be in need of sth.= need sth.

(sb.) need to do sth. (sth.) need doing sth.

We need to train hard so that we can win the competition.

My watch needs repairing. 4. fail to do sth.

He failed to pass the exam.=He failed the exam.


