
2022-06-01 05:16:57   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《笔记c范文2问题》,欢迎阅读!

1. Why does the man go to see the woman? A.To complain about customers. B. To request an increase in his pay.

C.To ask for a change in his work schedule.

D.To apply for a job playing music in the dining hall.

2. What activity does the man want to be able to do at dinnertime? A.Prepare for his morning music classes. B. Rehearse with a school music group. C.Play jazz for the faculty in the dining hall. D.Eat with classmates from his music class.

3. The woman asks the man to consider a different job. What kind of work would the man have to do for the new job?

A.Get ingredients ready for a meal.

B. Clean kitchen equipment for the cooks. C.Prepare the weekly menu for the dining hall. D.Coordinate schedules for student workers.

4. What does the man imply about his job as a waiter? A.It allows him to get to know the professor better. B. It is his first job at the university.

C.It does not pay as much as other jobs. D.It interferes with his studies.

1. Why does the studentgo to see the professor? A. To obtain notes from a class she missed B. Todiscuss a conference she attended

C. To ask about a possible topic for a research paper

D. To clarify information about volunteering in the community

2. What does the student say about the conferenceshe attended? A. It will help convince students to get involved in the community B. It taught her a lot about marine ecosystems

C. It helped her gain a volunteer position at a local organization D. Few students were involved in the conference

3. What caused the woman to become interested in bioluminescence? A. It was mentioned in the notes from a class she missed

B. She observed the phenomenon while on a recent trip to a conference C. A volunteer she worked withtold her about seeing some bioluminescent fish D. She heard a talk about bioluminescence at a conference she attended

4. According to the professor, why were the jellyfish that the student sawglowing? A. They were avoiding predators by blending in with their surrounding B. They were trying to confuse predators with bright flashes of light C. They were communicating with each other

D. They were trying to light up the dark water so they could see prey

5. What does the professor imply about the student’s proposed research topic? A. A variety of bioluminescent organisms should be included in the research B. Writing about the topic might be difficult because there is so muchinformation on it C. The student should choose a topic that has already been covered in class

D. The student should explain how bioluminescence benefits various species of jellyfish differently

