
2022-08-18 05:05:18   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《去图书馆借书英语作文带翻译》,欢迎阅读!



Today, my mother took us to the library to borrow books. What a big library! There are children's reading area, children's reading area and adult reading area. There are many kinds of books in each area, including history, literature, and my favorite anime. Each book has a label on it, which makes it convenient for the administrator to put the book back to its original position. We can read in the library, or we can borrow the book and return it after reading. The aunt of the library reminds us to take good care of the book and not lose it or damage it. Books can let us increase a lot of knowledge and understand the truth, so we should read more books! 今天妈妈带我们去图书馆借书。图书馆可真大啊!有儿童阅览区,幼儿阅览区,还有成人阅览区。每个区的图书又分很多类,有历史类,有文学类,还有我最喜欢的动漫类等等,每本图书上面都有一个标签,这可以让管理员很方便的把书放回原来的位置。我们可以在图书馆里看书,也可以把书借回家,看完以后再还回去,图书馆阿姨提醒我们要保护图书,


Today, my mother took us to the library to borrow books. What a big library! There are children's reading area, children's reading area and adult reading area. There are many kinds of books in each area, including history, literature, and my favorite anime. Each book has a label on it, which makes it convenient for the administrator to put the book back to its original position. We can read in the library, or we can borrow the book and return it after reading. The aunt of the library reminds us to take good care of the book and not lose it or damage it. Books can let us increase a lot of knowledge and understand the truth, so we should read more books!

