
2022-08-07 01:57:51   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《英语新概念作文》,欢迎阅读!

Heaven Something changed on an amazing night.

Eric, who is a common student, kept thinking some questions every day ----why do some people keep working without any rest? Why can someone achieve successes easily while he should live such a boring life? He wants to lead a successful life like others around him.

It was a snowy evening. Eric was in his father‟s car, when suddenly a violent shaking woke the sleeping boy. His car had a terrible accident and he was trapped in it. Police soon arrived and helped Eric out. Eric was badly hurt and had to lie in the ICU.

Eric groaned in pain and could not fall asleep. At that time, he had no idea but kept repeating the sentence „God bless me! God bless me!‟ he suddenly saw a real God! What a surprise! Eric was so happy and asked the God if he can help him recover. God smiled and burst in when Eric was crazily shouting. „Of course, young man, I will give anyone another chance. You can leave the hospital now, if you change your mind, just call me loudly that I will soon appear.‟ Afterwards, God went missing. It seemed that nothing happened in the common room. Eric really recovered! He felt so good! He soon went back home and resumed a normal life as usual.

Soon he got bored with the ordinary school life. A dull world lacks interest. This is not his dream life. A common night he shouted in order to call the God. God soon appeared from the sky. „What do you want, young man?‟ God smiled and asked. „I know you must need my help.‟ Take me to the heaven, and I want to have a better life here!‟ Eric whispered, „This is your own but last choice, young man. I will make it.‟

For a moment Eric and God arrived at a big gate, where stand so many people in a line. God said to Eric and then went away. Just for some while and wait for your turn, young man. How bored Eric was! “What will the heaven be like?” He said to himself with expectation. As so many days and nights passed by, he finally entered the heaven. „Heaven, I am coming

„God! God! You cheat me! Where is the heaven?‟ Eric shouted in his bedroom. A burst of laughter came from afar. „A HA HA, it has never been a heaven. Success won‟t come easily. Treasure the present life. Diligence is the only key to success. Work hard and you will get ahead one day in the future.‟

