
2023-10-06 18:28:42   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《不回头的走下去英文文案》,欢迎阅读!


1You can only go on,dont look back.你只能马不停蹄地走,千万别回头。

2Always say that like me or call me to let it go at the end.总说喜欢我到最后还是叫我放手。

3Learn to be your own,and elegant to let go of all things that do not belong to you.学着做你自己,并优雅地放手所有不属于你的东西。

4Dont look back,let it go.莫回头,忘就忘了吧。 5Love back too hard in life.一生热爱回头太难。 6I love you very much,but all wait for your back.我很爱你,可是终究等不到你的回头。

7Since you unintentionally I should let it go.你既然无心,我也该放手。

8Miss who didnt look back.擦肩而过谁都没有回头。 9、不回头地走下去on out into darkness.

10I wish you a strong wish for you to wish you all your life and never go back.


11I'm a slow walker,but I never walk back.尽管我走的很慢,但我绝不回头。

12Choose the right path,don't turn back,stride

forward,identify the right person,don't let go,and sincerely care.选好的路,不回头,大步朝前走,认准的人,不放手,真心去呵护。

13The past will not turn back,and the future will not make do with it!I wish myself happy every day.往事不再回头,今后不再将就!愿自己开心快乐每一天。

14Don't just look up to the success of others,don't just learn to compare,and ignore the direction of your life.Start in the direction of your dream,keep moving forward and never look back.不要只是仰望别人的成功,不要只是学会了比较,而忽略了自己人生的方向。向着梦想的方向出发,一路向前,不再回头。

15For human life,time is the only thing we have,but it is so heartless.No matter how much we love it,it still comes and goes in a hurry,gradually goes away,and finally disappears without looking back.So time is a master sculptor.对于人的生命来说,时间是我们唯一拥有的,而它却是如此无情无义,无论我们对它有多么眷恋,它还是来去匆匆,渐行渐远,最终绝尘而去,不再回头所以说时间是一位雕刻大师。

16、有时候,人们之所以哭泣,并不是因为软弱,而是因为他们隐忍了太久,最终,那些最深的痛楚变成了你最强大的力量。痛过,哭过,然后前行,不再回头,微笑着走过,不屑一顾。Sometimes,people cry not because they are weak,but because they have endured it

