
2023-09-22 22:20:18   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《描写眼睛的优美句子英语》,欢迎阅读!



As soon as she talked about the angel of heaven, she was kind; her face became light, and her moist eyes showed a particularly warm light.

2、他的眼睛很大,如天空上的繁星,闪烁着清水般的光芒,让人眼前一亮。 His eyes are very big, like the stars in the sky, shining with the light of clear water, making people's eyes bright.


Each of us has a pair of our own eyes. Let's take good care of our own eyes and make the window of our hearts bright forever. Let her accompany us to roam in the vast ocean of knowledge and fly freely in the boundless space. Let her fly us over green mountains, peaceful lakes, verdant woods, and even flowers

4、她泪光莹莹的眼睛,如同掩映在流云里的月亮。 Her tearful eyes are like the moon in the clouds.



Her big black eyes are very good at seeing people. Her red lips are like lipstick. My eyes are very big. When I get angry, others call me a tigress. I have not only big eyes, but also thick eyebrows, long eyelashes, big and black eyes, and light from time to time.

6Blue eyes so full of life美丽的双眸充满生的力量 7A wonder all of their own靛蓝色的奇观

8So beautiful and precious如此的美丽,如此珍贵

9Oh, to see those eyes smile, such a beautiful sight这双眼包含的笑意 10How I love to look into those eyes令人沉醉 11When I look into them当我望向眼底

12A kind of peace comes over me只看到平静与柔和

