
2022-07-12 05:07:18   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《attendto的用法》,欢迎阅读!

(1) 注意听。如:

Attend now to what I tell you. 现在注意听我给你讲。

If you don’t attend to your teacher, you’ll never learn anything. 你要是不注意听老师讲,你就会什么也学不到。

(2) 处理;办理。如:

I’ll attend to the matter. 这事我来处理。

I may be late --- I have one or two things to attend to. 我可能会迟到,我还有一两件事要处理。

(3) 照顾;照看。如:

If you go out, who will attend to the baby? 你要是出去,谁来照顾婴儿?

Will you attend to the shop for a few minutes while I go to the bank? 在我去银行时你帮我照看一下店铺好吗?

(4) 接待;招待。如:

Are you being attended to, sir? 先生, 有人招呼你了吗?

I’m too busy. I can’t attend to you now. 我很忙,现在不能接待你。

(5) 专心;关心。如:

You must attend to your work. 你必须专心工作。

Parents must attend to the education of their children. 父母必须要关心子女的教育

(6) 治疗;医治。如:

His injury was attended to by a young doctor. 他的伤由一位年轻医生医治。


1. too as well 多用于口语中,语气较轻,通常用于肯定句或疑问句,一般不用于否定句,且通常放在句末。如: I like you too [as well]. 我也喜欢你。

Are they coming too [as well]? 他们也来吗?

too 有时也紧跟在主语后(注:as well 不这样用),此用法较正式。如: I, too, know where he lives.


Me too, You too 这类简略答语中,通常不用 as well, also。如: AI’m tired. 我累了。 BMe too. 我也是。

2. also too as well 正式,一般也不用于否定句,它在句中的位置通常是紧靠动词,即放在行为动词之前,特殊动词之后。有时为了强调也放在句末(不常见)。如:

He also came. / He came also. 他也来了。

She is young and beautifuland also rich. 她年轻漂亮,而且有钱。

also 有时用于句首(其后通常有逗号),相当于连词 and。如: Alsohis mother was dead. 再说,他母亲又过世了。

3. either()通常只用于否定句,且要放在句末。如: I don’t know, either. 我也不知道。

He hasn’t finished iteither. 他也还没有做完。

