
2022-08-04 02:11:46   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《0428翻译电脑住宅蒋豫浙》,欢迎阅读!


Translation: Computerized Residence (Jiang Yuzhe) (translated by: alexcwlin; edited by: Adam Lam)


At the center of a city, there was an experimental computerized residence. 这座住宅里安装了一百多台电脑,一切都由电脑指挥。

In this dwelling, one hundred and then some computers had been installed, and everything in there was directed by computers.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 住宅的大门外有一根竖杆,上面安装着风向标。

Erected outside the front door of this house was a pole equipped with a wind vane on top. 它同室内的电脑相连,

The vane was connected to a computer inside the house. 将室外的温度、湿度、风力和和风向等数据输入电脑。

Data on outdoor temperature, humidity, as well as wind speed and direction were transmitted to the computer.


Based on the meteorological information, the computer would provide an energy efficient and comfortable home environment for its master.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 想进入住宅必须要输入密码。

To enter the house, you would have to enter a security code. 门口还有微型摄像机,能将客人的面貌特征输入电脑。

A miniature video camera was installed at the door which would feed visitors facial features into the computer.


If the computer recognized the visitor was an unregistered stranger, then he would not be able to open the door even if he knew the passcode.


At this instant, the door would open only when a direction of permission to enter was issued by the master.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 进入住宅,轻松悦耳的乐曲会立即播放。

Once you entered the house, easy listening music would immediately be played in the air. 沿着走廊走进客室,发现里面只有几件家具。

After walking through the aisle into the sitting room, you would find there were only a few pieces of furniture inside.


Actually the other items were categorized and placed inside “containers” in the storage room of the basement.

需要的时候,可以通过电脑,将相关的“集装箱”调运到指定的地方,以便取出或放加物品。 When needed, you could go through the computers to move “containers” to designated locations in order

to facilitate taking out or putting in items.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 厨房在一楼,里面有一套教人做菜的电脑装置。

Kitchen was on the first floor, and inside of it there was a computerized setup which could teach people how to cook.


The computer stored information of how to cook Chinese, western and Japanese dishes. 它能告诉人们如何备料、烹饪还能示范如何操作和自动控制烹炒的火候。

It also could tell people how to prepare ingredients and cook them. In addition, it would demonstrate how to operate and control automatically the time and heat in cooking.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 卧室在二楼,

A bedroom was on the second floor.


Beside the top of the bed there was a switch labeled with the word “Sleep” on it. 主人在睡觉前,只要按一下开关,整栋房子便进入“休息状态”,

Before going to sleep, the master would press the switch and the entire house then entered into the “sleep mode”.


Other than the necessary lights in aisles, lights in all the other places would be turned off. 这时,没有关闭的窗户自行关闭,

All the windows that had not been shut would be automatically shut. 空调系统减弱风力,

Fan speed of air-conditioner system would be reduced. 房子四周的防盗报警装置进入工作状态。

Alarm system around the house would be in operation mode. 这一切将持续到第二天早晨主人起床为止。

All such conditions would stay until the next morning after the master had wakened up. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 浴室的装置也受电脑指挥,

Facilities in the bathroom were also directed by computers. 人们可以“预约”洗澡时间。 A person could “book” bathing time.


If he wanted to take a hot water bath the moment he got home, he could issue a direction to the computer at home and advise it of the bathing time.


When that time arrived, the bathtub would be filled with hot water ready for the bath. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 住宅里的所有电脑全部设在“暗处”,在室内见不到。

All the computers in the house were hidden and could not be seen indoor. 它们各有各的职能,分工负责,

They all had their own duties in dividing up the workload.


At the same time they were all connected to one another in order to make a comprehensive judgement on the environment in providing a comfortable living condition to the master. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

