The goal of my life(我的目标)

2023-04-21 21:05:18   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《The goal of my life(我的目标)》,欢迎阅读!

The goal of my life

The goal of my life

Simply defined, a goal is something you want to accomplish, which gives meaning to life. Everyone will set a lot of goals for

themselves, some are short, others need a lifetime to achieve. A very important goal in my life is to travel as much as possible.

A psychologist has said, the integrity of their own, in fact,

scattered all over the world. Every time I go to a place, I can learn to see the world where people respect the life in their perspective. Picking back each impression, then It comes to form a different view of the world.

The world that is worth experiencing is not in books or on TV or computer screens. It's with other human beings. While traveling, I can seek out people with different beliefs and views of the world to mine and get to know their side of the story.

Thinking of one random day I find myself spending nearly an hour daydreaming about wandering to far-away destinations, immersing myself in wildly exotic cultures, dining on new and delicious foods and being able to hop from country to country on a whim. I

desperately want to be out there traveling and I start to realize that time is running out for me to begin my long-awaited adventure. A desire to explore the world is hard to ignore, and for many

travelers, as soon as that desire become too strong to be ignored. Sometimes, I just pick up my suitcase and rush out into the unknown places.

That is one of the goals of my life. Whether strolling in the old Town of Lijiang or at the top of Taishan, I enjoy this kind of splendid life, maybe one day my footprints will be all over the world.

Becoming a qualified architect

China has currently been in large-scale urban construction period. As the market is gradually opening, it brings not only opportunities, but also

competitions throughout the world. How local architects can adapt to the needs of today's market and society? And best architects should have what aspects of quality? It may be a matter of opinion, but we still feel that good attitudes and excellent professional standards make good help to serve the changing market.

Architect's primary responsibility is firstly implementation. Architects are neither pure artists, nor avant-garde theorists. The architect's primary responsibility is to serve the community. They should meet the needs of society, rather than just pursue his personal fulfillment or artistic expression.

Secondly, Architect must meet the requirements of funders. Every building has its investors. Architectural design begins with the process of analyzing specific problems, cultural constraints, user requirements, and so on. Good communication skills helps architects to understand the idea of the party needs and provide better service.

Thirdly, it is a primary responsibility of creating a good urban space. In the limited land, buildings, once constructed, usually stand for decades or even longer. The architect's work will gradually influence and transform cultural environment, so it is essential for architects to avoid confusions of cityscape instead of making many landmarks.

Last, architects should have team spirit, for nowadays in the world specializing in creation has become a norm. Construction from design to build, makes tight teamwork become necessary.

Above all, architects should keep learning to maintain a longer career. The more education they accept, the more sufficient vigor they demonstrate.

