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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《[关于日常生活的英语对话阅读]英语日常对话》,欢迎阅读!



关于日常生活的英语对话阅读 英语成为中国政治、经济和文化全面走向国际化的不可或缺的战略性 工具,成为国家和人才核心竞争力的所在。小编精心收集了关于日常生活的英语 对话,供大家欣赏学习! 关于日常生活的英语对话1 Veronica: Look at the cutie over there. 看看那边的帅哥 Jane: No, Veronica We made a deal. Love dictionary Rule 3: never talk to a cute stranger until he talks to your first. 不要啊。我们不是说好的吗恋爱宝典法则三:不要和帅气的男生主动 说话,除非他先开口。

Veronica: Okay, okay. But he is so adorable. 好吧好吧。可是他真的好可爱。

Jane: Well, being adorable doesn“t mean long life. 可是好看不代表长寿。

Veronica: What“s eating you Why making the short life speech 你怎么回事啊为什么说什么短命啊 Jane: You see, there were four handsome men in history. Mr. Pan An who asked for death. Not technically true, but he should be responsible for his own death. King of Lanlin, he was wronged. 我们说历史上有四位美男子。潘安找死。严格意义上说不完全是,但 是他得为自己的死亡负责。兰陵王是冤死的。

Veronica: What a shame! He was such a powerful man. 真可惜!他曾经多么强势啊。

Jane: This could be funny. Mr. Wei Jie was shocked to death by his fans.这个很滑稽。卫玠是被他的粉丝吓死的。

Veronica: Wow, that"s horribe. Still remember the stampede when MJ came the year before I will never get over that horrible scene.

What happened to Mr. Song Yu 那很恐怖好吧。还记得杰克逊前年来的时候的踩踏事件了我怎么也忘 记不了那个恐怖的场景。宋玉怎么 Jane: He died alone. He could get the recognition of his king. That"s lame. He could have started his own business if he had lived in our time. 他孤寂而死。得不到他国王的重用。蛮差劲的。要是生活在我们的年 代,他应该可以创业吧。

关于日常生活的英语对话2 Windy: Do you know my old bastard has a twinkie How could that possibly be true 你知道我那个老混蛋居然啃嫩草怎么可能呢 Casey: Oh, what do you think of a fish as a pet You do not need to walk it. 你觉得养鱼怎么样你又不需要遛鱼。 Windy: I just never could have pictured he with a bimbo. Maybe she just loves his money.I beieve she has an IQ as low as a napkin. 怎么也想象不出他和一个轻浮的女人在一起。她也许爱上了他的钱。 她智商一定很低。

Casey: I think it must be fun to have a fish. And I heard it is very interesting to take photos in the way the fish sees. You even cannot recognize the most popuar star. Their faces are distorted.Do you know who"s photo is this 我觉得养金鱼肯定很有意思。而且我听说从金鱼的角度拍照片是很有 意思的一件事。你甚至都认不出来大腕儿。他们的脸都变形了。你知道这是谁的 照片吗 Windy: I do not care about it at all! 我不在乎。Casey: Ok, this one is International Zhang. And towards the girl you hate, I don"t think so. She is smart I think. 好吧,这是国际章。关于你讨厌的那个女生,我倒认为她很聪明。 Windy: Maybe she is just young enough so that everything is still poiting up. 那也许是她够年轻,所以一切还没有下垂。

Casey: Stop being bitchy. Maybe she is nice. And she is not a twinkie. 不要这么刻薄嘛。可能她人很好啊。而且她也不是一棵嫩草。 Windy: You know about her How can you keep that from me I thought we were best friends. Even I am fifteen years older. But we

made it a deal that we talked about everything. I have no secrets. 知道这些事情你怎么可以不告诉我我还以为我们是好姐妹。虽然我 比你大15岁。可是我们说好无话不谈的。我没有秘密。

Casey: Well, I am the twinkie. We fall in love with each other and ... 我,我就是你说的那个女人。我们彼此相爱,而且 关于日常生活的英语对话3 : I am tired of her! Who will believe I only married her for 2 month! 我已经厌倦了她!谁会相信我才跟她结婚了2个月而已! : Hey, calm down! Tell me what happened! 嘿, 镇定点!告诉我发生了什么事! : She is really in bad temper in that time of the month. 她来例假的时候脾气实在太坏了。

: Then you shall thank god not all the month is that time. 那么你应该感谢上帝并不是每一天都是例假。杨: She prefers her mother to me. My mother in law comes to visit us two times in one week and at that time I am force to yield my bed to her. 比起我来,她更喜欢她的妈妈。我的岳母每周来我们家两次,那时候 我就被迫让出我的床。 : Well, she can understand her parents more after marriage. What you need to do is only listen and be pleased to listen. 恩,她结婚之后更多的理解了自己的父母。你需要做的只是听和高兴 得听。 : She likes to check my mobile, she doesn’t believe me. 她喜欢检查我的手机,她一点都不相信我。

: This only means she cares you. 这只表明她在乎你。 : Thank you for enlighten me. 谢谢你开导我。

: Take it easy. Happy marriage life needs tolerance and understanding. 放轻松点。美满的婚姻生活需要容忍和理解。

