
2022-06-28 23:52:34   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《5句作文英语作文+范文》,欢迎阅读!

请根据以下信息,介绍一位传奇人物 名:Allan Stewart 籍:澳大利亚 出生日期:191537

世界纪录:2006年获硕士学位时年龄最大 学习态度:挑战自我,永远为时不晚。 第一个学位:1936年获得 第二个学位:医学博士

第三个学位:80多岁时决定学习法律,2006年获得硕 士学位

第四个学位:2012年通过网络学习获得,善于合理安 排学习时间,受到老师表扬。

*硕士学位:masters degree; *博士:doctor

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Allan Stewart, an Australian old man, born on March 7, 1915, is already the holder of the world record for being the oldest graduate. He thinks it is never too late to challenge oneself to achieve something worth while. He got his first degree in 1936, later along with a doctor’s degree of medicine. He decided to study law in his eighties, and he got the master’s degree in 2006, which was his third degree. In 2012, he received his fourth degree by network learning, who was praised for his proper arrangement on his study schedule.

